Steemit Iron Chef 2017 #10: POTATRIO


First and foremost, I would like to thank @progressivechef for hosting such an exciting challenge which is the #steemit-ironchef challenge. Everyone is welcome to participate in this challenge and if you are interested to know more or even join this challenge yourself, you can check out the links here & here.



For this challenge, the main ingredient is POTATO and the products I used for my dish are:

  • 3 different types of potatoes (Japanese sweet potato, Indonesian sweet potato, American russet potato)
  • Cream (to taste)
  • Butter (to taste)
  • Kewpie Spicy Black Pepper Sandwich Spread (to taste)
  • Cherry Tomatoes
  • 1 no. ice cream cone


When I saw that the main ingredient for this week's #steemit-ironchef 's challenge is potatoes, I knew I wanted to make something super easy yet fun at the same time. And then I remembered a friend once said to me during a conversation:" If you are trying to take pictures of food, it is not recommended to take pictures of real food, especially if the food is like ice-cream where it can melts like the stock photo that xxx shared (it was a picture of a chocolate brownie and an ice cream at the side), that one is definitely not real food, the "ice-cream" is probably mashed potato."

And so, inspired by what my friend said, I decided to make a fun looking mashed POTATRIO . The whole process took about 30-45 minutes from prep to finish (the cooking process took the longest time) and I'm pretty sure kids will enjoy making as well because of how easy it is as long as you have a couple of bowls and cutleries around.


First, I peeled the skins of the American potato and Indonesian sweet potato off except for the Japanese sweet potato because I wanted to give colour and texture to it.

Next, I boiled the potatoes in a pot filled with clear chicken stock with a little seasoning so that as the potatoes are cooking, they will absorb the flavours of the chicken stock. I used medium heat to cook the potatoes.

While waiting for the potatoes to cook, I cut the cherry tomatoes in to halves (you can cut them anyhow you like, according to your own personal preference)

Once the potatoes are cooked and soft, I added 1tbs of cream and 1tbs butter in each of the potatoes (I seperated the potatoes into 3 different bowls). I added 1tsp of the Kewpie Spicy Black Pepper Sandwich Spread into the American potato to enhance the flavour of the potato. I did not add salt and pepper into any of the potatoes because I did not want to complicate their flavours too much.

I added only cream and butter into the Indonesian sweet potato but slightly more than the Japanese sweet potato to create different textures for each potatoes.

Using a fork for each bowl, I mashed the potatoes until they become smooth with a creamy texture.

Using an ice-cream scoop, I layered each mashed potatoes on top of each other on a plate and added the cherry tomatoes around one of the mashed potato. Lastly, I added the ice-cream cone on top of the mashed potato to make it look like a potato "ice-cream" and then an easy, fun and cute potatrio is ready to be served! (from cone side to bottom: Japanese sweet potato, American potato, Indonesian sweet potato)




I cut out two pieces of potato stick from the American potato prior to cooking it.

I added all purpose flour into the potato sticks and deep fry them to make them into fries.

I then added the two fries on the sides of the mashed potato and squeezed a little Kewpie Spicy Black Pepper Sandwich Spread in between the fries. My Bunny Potatrio is now done and there is no need to worry about the "ice-cream" melting anywhere anytime soon!



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