Steemit Iron Chef 2018 act 01 round 11: Espaguetis con Chorizo

Hello steemit foodies!!

For this week our host @progressivechef asked us to prepare our most favourite childhood dish.

It hasn’t easy for me to decide for one, I remember quite a few I enjoyed specially when I ate them.

But finally I decided for a dish that I still eat a lot, and despite is a very simple one I remember to enjoy like a chid when I eat it since my childhood.

My mother cooks very very well. I’m not saying this becose is my mother, a lot of friends lucky enough to beeing able to taste her food told me so.

Of course this is not one of her masterpieces, but she used to cook it quite a lot. I asume becouse it’s an easy to do, quick and cheap meal. And becouse her son always asked her to do it and she noticed how much he liked it.

So here is my adult versión of :


Espaguetis con chorizo


  • Spaghetti
  • Tomato sauce
  • Chorizo
  • Parmesan cheese

  • In this dish there are 3 keys.

    The sauce:

    Of course, the most important and the base of the dish. Home made tomato sauce is a must. If you don’t have a good sauce, you can do it with one bought and you still have an enjoyable dish, but is not the same.


    This time I already had some ready, so I will show you how to do it in a future post.

    The Chorizo:

    Here in Spain we have a strong tradition of pork products. Probably the best around the world, beeig the most famous the iberic ham (jamón ibérico). But there are others, like chorizo ibérico or lomo ibérico.


    A good chorizo is a very important component of this dish.

    The Cheese:

    This is maybe the less important part, becouse I love every cheese in the world, but I think one of my favourites and the best playing his role in this dish is parmesan cheese. Better if you can grate it yourself.


    Having this pesent, this is such a simple dish. Full of flavour. Delicious.



    I've been eating this all my life, and I still love it!!


    Good luck to everyone this week, I saw some amazing entries already...go check them out!!

    Once again thanks to @progressivechef for organice this contest. And to the sponsors, @canadian-coconut, @donkeypong , @trophytokens , @voiceshares, @sjennon and @bambam808

    We will keep posting!!

    Have a great week!!!


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