***Great Reasons Why You Need A Good Night's Sleep – Part One ***

It’s funny how we all instinctively know how great we feel after a really good night's sleep.

You know the one, when you go to bed at the right time, sleep like a log throughout the whole night and wake up under your own steam feeling super refreshed, raring to go and full of energy.

If we all know how good we feel why is it that we so often stay up later than we should, go to bed after eating or drinking too much and generally self sabotage the whole process from start to finish?

It's actually a good question, and one you may well ask yourself with even more interest after you have read this first great reason why getting a good night's sleep is so important to your long term well-being.

This weekend I'm going to look at the top three reasons why you really need to start seriously investing in your sleep!


So today let's look at reason #1:

Poor Sleep Can Make You Fat!

Failing to regularly get good quality sleep can actually result in you putting on weight.


Well, it works in a number of different ways. Firstly when we sleep our body not only heals and repairs itself but produces hormones that regulate our appetite.

When we have disrupted sleep these hormones get all out of kilter. When this happens more often than not it results in an over production of the hormone ghrelin that stimulates our appetite and an under production of the hormone leptin which suppresses it. This rather unsurprisingly results in us waking up hungrier than we should!

On top of that, lack of sleep also slows down your metabolism and reduces your self control so when you finally arrive at work all tired and fuzzy headed and see that big milky latte and tray of tasty chocolate doughnuts you just cannot control yourself.

Tomorrow we will look at the next big incentive for you to get good quality shut eye.

Until then, sweet dreams! and don't forget if you like this post, upvote it, resteem it and follow me @randysimor

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