Welcome to SteemBnB! · Homes for Steemians ·

Dear friends,

I have only been on Steemit for about a month and I already had the pleasure to meet Steemians from around the world and witness first-hand that the Steemit community goes beyond digital.  Steemians are traveling the world and wherever you go, you can be almost sure to find at least one Steemian. The best part, Steemians are not some weird strangers, but because the community is so well established online, it is easy to connect and befriend Steemians offline. 

Imagine traveling to a country, knowing you can stay at a Steemian’s house and feel home wherever you go. People like @budgetbucketlist have been given shelter by Steemians before and there are many more Steemians traveling. It would only make sense to have a space where travelers can find other Steemians renting or sharing their space. 

Introducing: SteemBnB 

The Airbnb for Steemians who travel the world, and Steemians who have a home to share.

Share / Rent your Room - How it works

1. Upload a post about your place (make sure to include good images)

2. Tag it with #steembnb 

3. Share it in our Discord chat https://discord.gg/vF5xzzQ

(Later on there will be a Steemit Account, but until then make sure to join the chat!)

Become a SteemBnB Guest: 

 1. Contact the host personally through the contact details he/she will display in their post

 2. Communicate with and find an agreement with the host (SteemBnB is only meant to help you find a place, and is not in charge for any agreement)

 3. Pay in Steem! 

Payment Method: STEEM!

For the first time, you no longer have to use your credit card to book a place, but simply transfer the payment to your host via Steem Transfer! 

(We recommend not paying up-front, to make sure all requirements fit)

SteemBnB connects travel experience with networking in the crypto-space! 

If you want to support the idea, please resteem, spread the word and reach out to us if you would like us to promote your SteemBnB! 

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