isolation sucks.jpg

Before you start reading this blog, I want to ask you one question .
Do you like noise or crowd ? You probably will say no, but what about the man discussed in this blog . Just think, 43 years without any social contact .
Everyone likes isolation and peace . nobody likes bullsh*t of others but here is the another question for you ?
How much time you can spend alone without any social contact , even without your mobile phone ?
12hrs (easy)
1 day (not hard)
1 week ( think again)
1 month ( seems dangerous)
43 years …..
This level of isolation is more just than a nightmare but Albert Woodfox was actually sentenced 43 years of pure isolation

alfred woodfox - imprisonment .jpg

In an interview with Albert, he said this …
"I have to stay in a room of 6/9 feet dimensions for more than 4 decades" . "I had to spend 23 hours in that room and that 1 hour is for other necessary things"

Albert said that, During those 23 hours he was 1 with hell, I couldn't even distinguish between a dream and a reality as I also dreamed of being stuck in that black room . "When your dreams are also captured and stomped by the deep dark shadows, your life becomes hopeless and ghost like " . He even felt that his soul was also captured as he started losing control over his body after 3 weeks .

He said that all the actions were involuntary, he couldn't control his screams that can happen anytime even while he is sleeping like his brain was brutally begging to meet someone .
He even thought of talking his own life by cutting his hand but somehow he controlled himself for all those years , he said that you are always in a war with your heart, your brain and soul always try to recover you but your heart will not .

By these lines , we can conclude that :-

  1. With a strong will power, anyone can do anything .
  2. No matter what is the situation, there is always hope .

He got his punishment when he was just 26 and came out when he was 69 .
After his imprisonment when he came out , he said this one emotional line .
" That pain which he suffered in all those brutal years, that pain is now giving me a feeling of being alive otherwise in that cell i believed that he I am a dead man alive in a hellish cell .

We are made to be social , even some part of our brain cant work without some special neurons which are activated from some neurochemicals like dopamine which we get from socializing with anyone . Just line contraction of muscles , our brain also get contracted without those neurochemicals .


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