Do we understand Steem's fungibility?

I'm asking that question sincerely because it seems that many people who are defending the platform, who are attempting to "clean" the trending page are doing so with good intentions, mind you, but without a proper understanding of what makes STEEM fungible.

But... the pool!

We focus so much on the number of tokens being assigned, that we might be missing from that discussion the value of said tokens. In other words, we could have millions of tokens of a specific crypto, but if they are worth one satoshi each, it would the digits would not mean much, at least in the sense that they would not change our lives.

So, when it comes to the exchangeability of Steem, we must remember that it's important that it remains liquid. This means, that maintain a market of people who are interested in buying, who want to buy it. Because if we don't, if our actions are effectively against those sentiments, What can we deduce is going to happen to the value of STEEM as a result?

I'm all for token distribution trust me, I get it, I embrace the ideas, I try to do my part, but I cannot at the expense of my self imposed mission take any part in creating a toxico environment for investments. That makes no sense at all.

Steemians who attack investors

Are guilty of working against their own best interest, and honestly there is nothing too outrageous about me saying that. I've seen this so many times now, that I'm baffled as to why others can't see something so obvious. But, for the sake of this post, so that people understand very clearly where I'm coming from, let me pose some plausible scenarios, or better yet, questions.

What if a big investor backed out, because he or she got attacked? Do we think that would happen today, with the culture that seems to permeate Steem? I think that is very likely. Someone with deep pockets, someone that sees the potential of this blockchain would buy a couple of thousand STEEM to "give it a try". Then watch some videos by let's say Joe Parys on how to use the bidbots, the promotion tool of STEEM, send a post to trending thinking that is the way make an entrance. And then, get insulted, memed to death and what have you.

Can't we see how this worked against the economic health of the platform? The message sent to the investor could be simplified with a "You and your money are not welcome" - Now, I ask you Is this true?, Don't we want investment here?

But, the Trending page!!!

Yes, the trending page, some people are upvoting crap, that's true. But, what is the right response? The adult response? the one that we should take if we want to help the ecosystem, not scare away investors? Is it memes, is it insults? That is the point I'm trying to make.

You would be surprised how many times I've had conversations on Discord with bidbot abusing accounts, explaining them how it does not really work in their best interest to send every single post they make into trending. How many times I've explained that promotions are fine, but not every single post needs to be promoted and that harnessing relationships with people is more productive than upvoting everything to the top with bots.

If it makes sense to them, they might approach it in a more balanced way. If they don't care, then well, I'm going to allow them to be adults and make choices, as I will make mine too. The right approach to a shitpost, like picture of a corn on trending is a flag.

Grant you, we can laugh about it now, but think about what cost we might be paying for it. Are we creating an environment toxic to investment, simply because we assume all these people are evil? or have an agenda?

Return to Balance my friends

Don't assume everyone is evil by default, that is no way to live. Don't attack your own investment, your own token by creating an environment that acts at times like a communist/socialist regime. What happened to the idea of free markets? What happened to the idea of letting people make choices?

Can we believe that our "morality" is somehow superior, while at the same time hurting the very ecosystem we are allegedly defending? - Take a step back, what are you doing? Why? To stroke your ego? For what?

Again I ask... Do you understand fungibility?

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