Introducing a 1st level Gastromancer.

This will be my first post to this site, and hopefully one of many as I discuss topics that are important to me such as food, cooking, and life as a cook at a private golf club for the top 1% of America's upper class. As an individual trying to get by in the food industry, I also enjoy my share of PC gaming and outdoor hobbies, both of which will also be discussed occasionally here as well.

I joined because I feel like this will be a good opportunity for someone like myself to express my thoughts on the food industry as a whole, as well as share recipes and cooking methods I know and learn at my job. I am a young culinarian after all, and since my graduation from culinary school, I have not ceased my education in the real world kitchen.

To start things off, in a general sense, have a sample of things I work on and see in my day to day activity.

Above is a Grilled Tandoori chicken served over a bed of spiced Lentils. This is a new addition to our fall menu which is selling surprisingly well at the club, considering the type of members we have. I will talk about that in a later post, just enjoy the image for now.


This one is a cheese board that I assembled for a wines dinner party, aged cheddar, cheddar jack cheese, and a super delicious aged goat cheese wedge that was gifted to us by a farm way north in Wisconsin. Mexican chocolate, mixed berries, and marcona almonds also garnish the presentation. This one was a hit with the party and I was proud of myself for a moment. Just a moment though, there was too much work to be done that day.

It's worth mentioning that a good friend of mine is the one that really convinced me to join the site, even with a small pep talk as encouragement to start this ordeal. This same pep talk included mentioning that I can write an article that debates the question if pizza has a real conscious or not. Or so I thought that is what I saw until I read it the third time, where what was actually said is I can write a stream of consciousness opinions on pizza. Shout out to you @alexbeyman.

Not really sure if pizza is conscious or not though now that I think about it. More testing is required.

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