Chapter 6 of 11: Learning about "The Vision of its Creators, & the Power of the Steem Blockchain (Current Huge Developments and the ones in Process)" - This is part 6 of the 11 Chapters (Full Guide) to help new people make their way on Steemit

Hi Steemians, new visitors to the platform, new users on steemit, minnows, and the entire community,

Before starting I wanted to give huge thanks to all readers, for all your comments, questions and suggestions, as well as ideas, and all contributions you have been doing.

As of today (within 2 weeks of its launch) the 11 chapters full steemit guide was able to reach 3,350+ people/hands, and over 350 comments combined on the first 5 chapters.

Hopefuly it continuous to reach more people that can benefit from it, to understand as much and fast as possible about Steemit and thus help them make their way on the platform, and contribute for the growth of the entire community.

This 6th post/Chapter of the 11 chapter series is to help new visitors and new people on the steemit platform to learn about "The Vision of its Creators, and the Power of the Steem Blockchain (Current Huge Developments and some of the very important ones in Process)". It is a part of a larger series of 11 Posts/Chapters + some Bonus chapters that will be released later on. The Steemit platform and steem blockchain is eveolving every second, and its a never ending learning process, and very exciting for all of us to have the possibility to be on this piece of history!

Before starting this new chapter #6, in case you would prefer to read the introductory (1st Chapter), and the 2nd Chapter, as well as the 3rd Chapter/post, the 4th Chapter, and Chapter #5, here are the links and brief description of what you will read/learn on them:

Chapter 1 of 11: Have you recently Sign up on Steemit and Don't know what to do First - Basic Things for New People make their way easier on the Platform - Part 1: What you need to know to be more confident & get rewarded on the platform?

Chapter 2 of 11: Focusing on the Details of the Steem Wallet to learn as much as possible How to use it - Transfer Steem SBD - Convert it to ETH LTC Bitcoin or other Crypto - This is part 2 of the 11 Chapters (Full Guide) to help new people make their way.

Chapter 3 of 11: Understanding Where the Funds from Upvotes come from, Focusing on Steem Power & Reward Pool - This is part 3 of the 11 Chapters (Full Guide) to help new people make their way

Chapter 4 of 11: Understanding How to Keep our Steemit and Steem Cryptocurrency Account Safe - How to Use the 5 Different Passwords - This is part 4 of the 11 Chapters (Full Guide) to help new people make their way

Chapter 5 of 11: Learning some of the many "Other ways to Earn Rewards on the Steemit Platform & Steem Blockchain" - This is part 5 of the 11 Chapters (Full Guide) to help new people make their way on Steemit

Special Thanks for Important People that are supporting to make the 11 Chapter full Steemit Guide be reached to the most people hands

Before starting I wanted to add 1 last thing. I want to give a big shout of appreciation for all of my followers, and several steemians, as well as @blocktrades , @lukestokes , @steempower , @starkerz , @cryptographic , @teamsteem , @stephenkendal , @extrospect , @enki , @alexis555 , @ebargains , that are supporting with all their best to make this posts/chapters be reached to the most possible hands.

In case you are a whale, dolphin, plankton and you enjoy reading the series of posts/chapters, or with your personal knowledge and experience see this guide as useful for new visitors, new steemit users, minnows, and other steemians, your support to help this new chapter reach as many hands as possible, is greatly appreciated.

[Important Note: At the end of this Post you will find the Chapters Index, were you can find detailed information of any of the topics you would like to learn]

My main aim here with this full Steemit guide of 11 Chapters is to give new visitors, new users on steemit, minnows, (and for the ones that have been here for a week or 2 and are struggling to earn some rewards), all the needed information to help them understand the steemit platform and steem blockchain as much as possible and as easier as possible, and thus help them make their way on Steemit. This means at the end, more people achieving success on steem, more stories for the world that steem is achieving freedom and empowering people, as well as returning the power to the hands of people. This are the aims of its creator @dan Larimer, which is mentioned by @teamsteem in his welcome to steemit post.

So, for those of you who have been here for less than 20 or 30 days, on behalf of the steemit community, let me extend in a LOUD VOICE, a big WELCOME to you.

Steemit and Steem Vision and Power of Steem Blockchain - Huge Developments SMTs Ch 6.jpg

My aim is to help people understand: the most important concepts, the actions they will do on the platform, the things that they will interact with, learn about the entire ecosystem were steem is being developed, as well as give them some personal advice on how to contribute with the steemit community by adding value, and thus earn rewards.

Since there are lots of things to learn on Steemit and the steem blockchain (and you will see its a never ending learning process), at the end of this Chapter #5 (and at the end of every chapter), I will enumerate the learning topics I will be discussing in the entIre series of 11 posts/Chapters.

All this topics I will be talking about are things I have learned from the very first day I signed up. There are many things to learn in order to make our way on the platform, and for sure I will miss some things.
This is because when we start doing things on repetition, we forget about them, and we just do them automaticaly, so feel free to ask any questions on the comments section. Also if you are a Plankton, Dolphin or Whale reading the post, your contribution, suggestions here will really help new People (Minnows) to make their way, and thus make steemit grow and make it a better platform every day.

Steemit Guide Chapters - Steem Blockchain - Chapter 6 Vision of Creator and Power of Steemit.jpg

So, lets get started with Chapter/Post #6, and learn about "The Vision of its Creators, & the Power of the Steem Blockchain (Current Huge Developments and the ones in Process)"

Chapter/Post #6: The Vision of its Creators, and the Power of the Steem Blockchain (Current Huge Developments and the Ones in Process)

1- What's the vision of Steem and Steemit?
2- Why is the Steem Blockchain so powerful?
3- What are SMTs, and what are they planning to achieve?
4- What is @utopian-io?
5- Special Bonus. Now @blocktrades created a simplified method to buy from our steem account. Be prepared with liquid steem after the launch of SMTs because same as on ETH ICOs were people need Ethereum to purchase them, this new born cryptos from the Steem, will need steem to be purchased
6- What succesful people and investors on Steemit are saying about achieving success on the Platform

Special Credits on this Chapter for: @blocktrades , @lukestokes , @cryptographic , @extrospect , @starkerz , @teamsteem , @utopian-io , @elear (The brilliant visionary that created @utopian-io ) , @exyle , @cryptoctopus , @jerrybanfield , @mooncryption , @aggroed

To start with the Vision of its Creators I would like to introduce you to @teamsteem and give a lot of credit to him, because in a few words, as @jerrybanfield was the one who took me to steemit for the first time with one of his posts, it was @teamsteem who captured my attention and made me think how I could add value on the steemit community and stay here.

It was his words on the Welcome to Steem post that made me believe in the platform and the steem technology and thus made me stay here. It was a powerful message from his post that made me set my goals here, and think of ways to make steemit a better place every day.

1- What's the vision of Steem and Steemit?

The words transmitted that what the steem blockchain has for vision and goals is empowering people, giving them the control again which is were it belongs to, provide freedom to people, banking the unbanked, everything without the need of banks or the government. If we analyze this, it has so much power within, and when you start reading posts in the platform from people who have been on steemit for sometime, and when we chec the comments on their posts, we can see how powerful, open to help, collaborative, the steemit community is.
People are really together here to contribute with their knowledge and share their vision, thoughts, and uniting together for a very important cause overall, making the steemit community grow, and thus people get their freedom.

You can check more detail on the vision on @teamsteem valuable contribution post here. Thanks for this impressive contribution, on the name of all people who had the chance to read this post, and on the name of new visitors and new members that are starting to make their way on the platform!

2- Why is the Steem Blockchain so powerful?

The Steem Blockchain is a powerful development were many sub-developments can be created within it. All the sub-developments sites can be accessed with the steem credentials. Steemit is one of this projects for instance. @utopian-io is another one. All this developments are connected via the same blockchain. Any person can develop on the steem technology, since its code is open source, its data is accessible to everyone.

Everyday new developments, new markets, new economies are launched for different targeted people that can use them to earn rewards, and its developers can earn a percentage of the rewards made by people. Everyone benefits from this.

As we explained in Chapter #5 with more detail, with @utopian-io people can contribute to make opensource projects grow, and by doing this they get rewarded. Also sponsors get a percentage of the rewards from utopian. Utopian is a development on the steem blockchain that is disrupting the way opensource projects are being funded. Already after 2 months of being launched @elear with @utopian-io is helping with charity and with computers and educational programs, dontaing 10% of its profits.

Let me explain the power of the steem blockchain more in detail with @exyle 's post. He really made it really easy for most of us to understand the potential and great power of the Steem Blockchain.
Thanks for this great post @exyle

3- What are SMTs, and what are they planning to achieve?

The SMTs are Smart Media Tokens. They are the top development at this time, and in simple words, what this development is looking to do, is "monetize the internet". Each and everywebsite will be able to use SMTs for people to interact with it.

Here are some of the things that SMTs will do:

1- Steem Widget will be available so as to add it on blogs, for people to comment via the steem blockchain. So, we'll be monetizing wordpress blogs or any other type of blog platforms. This will also help bring lots of new signups in order to achieve this. And lets imagine those people who have tremendous amounts of followers on its blog, if they add this widget, they will need to signup to Steemit or for an account on the steem blockchain, and people who comment or follow him, will do the same, so this will be impressive.

2- With SMTs, (as the Ethereum blockchain does), the steem blockchain will be able to create new token ICOs for a low fee, and in this case people will not need to have almost any coding knowledge to make an ICO.

3- With SMTs, we can create new "Whales" from different communities and much more "power curators" that can be connected with different reward pools that each is dedicated around specific topics or usecases.
(Now, without the SMTs their is only 1 reward pool, and all people competing on the same single community).
I realized @cryptoctopus explains this in a great way on his post:

4- SMTs will basically help to monetize existing social communities. Any community will be able to apply all the power of the steem blockchain on its community/network, without the need to log or use steemit for instance.

@cryptoctopus gives a great example on using SMTs with an specific community, and how this benefits the entire new community generated. I really recommend you to read the entire post. He emphasizes in his words: "SMTs fits perfectly within this context. They create possibility for the communities within the website that were not possible before. "
Much thanks for this huge contribution for the steemit community @cryptoctopus ! Here is the post:

@jerrybanfield explains the SMTs really well for everyone of us to understand its greatness fast. Thank you @jerrybanfield for making another quality contribution to make everyone you reach to learn from it.

Here is Steemit CEO @ned explaining why the SMTs are being created:

You can read the whitepaper here and see more of @ned videos on the Smart Media Tokens website:

4- What is @utopian-io?

On the previous "Chapter/Post #5: Other ways to earn on the Steem Blockchain" [link to chapter #5], I explained about making contributions on @utopian-io and how to do them, so I described a bit of what @utopian-io is and what is actually accomplishing. is the sole disruption where we can contribute for open-source developments, and earn rewards for it. Isn't this amazing?
It has launched about 2 and a half months ago, and already hundreds of contributions are sent daily to the development. Utopian-io's bot has been growing in power with more sponsors contributing for the cause, and its platform its improving like a lighting in the rain, having more and more open-source projects being benefited from the different contributions available: suggestions, tutorials, visibility, coding, detecting bugs on projects and a lot more.

Utopian-io Steem Blockchain - Disruption Innovation Open Source Projects are funded ch6.png

Utopian is changing the way open source projects are being funded. I believe, it is starting to attract many of the very best developers around the world. It is amazing and totally disrupting. A new market was created, a totally new economy!

@mooncryption made a great post to explain everything about @utopian-io , so its a must read to learn a lot about this smart, creative and visionary development. Read his complete post here. Thank you for this great contribution to the steemit community!

I also made a post about a month ago, explaining the most important details about @utopian-io. There you will have some of the answers to the following questions.
How to get more Rewards on the steem blockchain? How to contribute with quality knowledge to get the steem blockchain, steemit platform improve and grow, and help people learn and understand the crypto world easier, and thus earn more rewards?

To learn how to contribute in Utopian, I definitely recommned you watch @aggroed tutorial, were he actually interviews @elear, its creator:
Thanks again for this great initiative and huge contribution @aggroed

5- Special Bonus. Now @blocktrades created a simplified method to buy from our steem account. Be prepared with liquid steem after the launch of SMTs because same as on ETH ICOs were people need Ethereum to purchase them, this new born cryptos from the Steem, will need steem to be purchased

So, I have recently asked @blocktrades if he will add the most important cryptos generated from the launch of SMTs, and I believe we'll know about it soon!

2 days ago, @blocktrades communicated that the method to purchase with our steem account has been simplified. Now we don't need to use a memo, if we follow the new way. The new method is an integration with Steemconnect, and now, we don't need to use the memo that generates, and avoid confusing or entering the wrong information causing the funds to be delayed and @blocktrades being on the need to manually return funds. Because something very important is that @blocktrades (and I can speak for him and his system), will always get your funds back if something wrong happens. He is always there, checking everything and making sure everything is done fair. Thanks for being on every detail @blocktrades .

You can read every detail on this, in his recent quality post here:

So, hopefuly when the SMTs are launched (I explained about SMTs on part 3 of this chapter. If you still have questions, it would be great to see your questions on the comments section and me or any person on steemit with the knowledge will be there to help explain it), we will be able to buy the new cryptos generated with ICOs on the steem blockchain with @blocktrades

If we keep liquid SBD and STEEM or in the savings account (this will need an operation of 3 days to be liquid), we'll have it ready to buy the new cryptos generated from the launch of the SMTs.

Huge Thanks for your ongoing continuous improvements @blocktrades ! Massive help to make Steemit a better place everyday. This and many other reasons why I voted @blocktrades as a Witness.

6- What succesful people and investors on Steemit are saying about achieving success on the Platform

The very known @lukestokes mentions that giving focus in building relationships is a very important things on Steemit (not just followers and upvotes). Making important connections and relationships can definitely make a huge difference in the future.
[This will be discussed in more detail on Chapter/Post 8 of 11: How Making Relationships and Connections with other Smart & Creative People that have our same likes make steemit and our way on steemit better]

Here is his quality post referring to this. I definitely recommned you to follow @lukestokes and read his posts. He is a person that really cares for the steemit community, who is always working to make it a better place every day.

Thanks @lukestokes for working everyday to help non-technical people understand in an easier way: Steemit, the steem blockchain, bitshares, and blockchain technology in general.

@extrospect that has been an early adopter for the crypto world since 2013, says that basically to achieve success we need to post around 4 posts a day, and also reply to what people mention about it. After doing quality content for sometime, success will be achieved.

I believe, it is a question on when our quality content be discovered. If we post at different times of day, we give the possibility for different people to notice about our posts, and if they are of quality, that will continuously add, until one day we have the backup of several people that share the same ideas we do.

Here is @extrospect post:

Thanks for motivating people half a year ago @extrospect , and from even before, when the platform was on early stages!

@cryptographic wrote a great post about the enlightened self interest and steemit. In his own words he wrote: " I’m here to share what I know so that you know more too, with the hope that you’re doing the same, and in that way we're all making all of our lives better. Okay, but there's another reason too: I’m also here because we’re getting rewarded for our efforts! "

So basically, Steemit is the perfect platform with a brilliant rewarding system thought in a magical way (with its super powerful algorithm with the vision of its creator @dan Larimer incorporated), that makes it easy to reward others for their quality contributions. To make it short, if we make quality contributions, quality content, or add value to other people in the platform, we'll end up making relationships on Steemit (just as @lukestokes mentions as very valuable), and get rewarded for what we are doing.

Here is the complete top quality post from @cryptographic . I definitely recommend you to read it.

Thanks for this quality contribution @cryptographic !

@starkerz one of the brilliant creators of the #promo-steem together with @stephenkendal , can tell us about how to be succesful in the platform without even speaking. He is an early investor here, and he is has a strong business background. To be succesful we need to focus our energy to add value with actions. And this is just the example he is giving to all of us in his huge project of promo-steem and the website that has already launched! As surprise I just checked his post and upvoted!

I definitely invite you to check his blog, and his latest post with the website launch:

In case you are interested, I already explained about the huge thing about the promo-steem project, were any person can start promoting steemit in its region, city, town or country, with the help of promo-steem. You can read it here on Chapter #5. I also included a huge example here (please look for part 5 in the chapter): ( )

Thanks for this huge project and contribution for the Steemit community @starkerz ! The Steemblockchain works like the speed of light even on the recently launched projects!

The very known @timcliff (voice of the Steemit community), speaks in his interview with @terrybrock , about his early starts on the platform, when he was unknown like most of us, and how he made his way to become one of the most known and recognized person in the platform.

Here is the complete post about @timcliff and the video interview which is a must see not only for new people on the platform, but by the entire Steemit community.

A big shout of appreciation for @timcliff telling his own story to help many others find their own way on the platform, and for @terrybrock who had the brilliant idea of making this amazing interview.

Below, you will find the 11 Chapters full INDEX, were you can find several important things to know about the steemit platform, steem blockchain, and its community.

In case you think this post is original and helpful for the STEEMIT community, Please:

Upvote, Resteem, and Comment , so we can all get the most of the benefits of this cryptocurrency journey.

I like to upvote quality comments and suggestions that are good for the growth of the steem community.


Current Post/Chapter #1: What you need to know to be more confident and set your way on Steemit
[Already posted on December 27th 2017:]

1- You just signed up, whats next?
2- How fast can I earn rewards on steemit?
3- 3 ways I can earn rewards in the steemiot platform (Posting, Commenting, Curating)
4- What is an upvote, comment, resteem, follow?
5- Lets learn about the wallet area: Basics

Special Credits on this Chapter for: @teamsteem , @cryptoctopus, @timcliff (The voice of the community), @cryptogaphic , @blocktrades , @elear

Chapter/Post #2: Focusing on the Wallet to learn as much as possible about it
[Already posted on December 29th, 2017:]

1- How to use the Steem Wallet?
2- How to transfer funds from my steemit wallet to a cryptoexchange?
3- What are the 2 cryptocurrencies on the Steem Blockchain?
4- How to convert steem or sbd into Bitcoin, Eth, Ltc or other crypto?
5- Amazing Bonus: The crypto managing spreadsheet and calculator by @lukestokes and Pablo Yabo

Special Credits on this Chapter for: @cryptos , @stanleyfordyale , @steemitguide , @mindhunter , @billbutler, @blocktrades , @thecrytotrader , @ilyastarar , @timcliff (The voice of the community), @steempowerwhale , @steempower , @glennolua , @jesta , @dan-atstarlite , @lukestokes and Pablo Yabo

Chapter/Post #3: Where do Resources Funds on Upvotes come from?
[Already posted on January 1st 2018:]

1- What is voting power?
2- What is SP (Steem Power)?
3- What happens when we power up? And what happens when we power down?
4- How much votes can we do per day so that it can get recovered at 100% again in 24 hours?
5- Steem applications to check the steem blockchain transactions + check voting power remaining
6- Where do resources for votes come from?
7- What does the reputation number next to your username at the top of your blog means, and what is it for?

Special Credits on this Chapter for: @tuck-fheman , @inventor16 , @blocktrades , @cryptographic , @dantheman (the brilliant blockchain visionary), @penguinpablo , @boxmining , @donkeypong , @rulesforrebels , @steevc , @roadscape , @dan-atstarlite , @cerebralace

Chapter/Post #4: Keeping your Steem cryptocurrency Safe
[Already posted on January 3rd 2018:]

1- How can I help keep my steem account safe/secure, by using the different private/public keys on steemit, and keeping safe the ones that do not need to be used?
2- Example of using @blocktrades to keep your Bitshares account safer, when converting/transferring crypto from an exchange or Steemit to Bitshares.

Special Credits on this Chapter for: @blocktrades , @jerrybanfield , @pfunk , @steemitguide , @thecryptofiend , @dantheman (the brilliant blockchain visionary)

Chapter/Post #5: Other ways to earn on the Steem Blockchain
[Already posted on January 8th 2018:]

1- Make Contributions in @utopian-io
2- By delegating SP to minnowbooster
3- By investing Steem, and Powering Up on the platform
4- By delegating being a sponsor in @utopian-io
5- By promoting steemit in your country, city or town with #promo-steem created by @starkerz and @stephenkendal
6- By purchasing a delegation of SP from @blocktrades and curating content on the website. This will not only give you more rewards for the curated content, but will also provide more influence on the platform for the delegated time.

Special Credits on this Chapter for: @blocktrades , @lukestokes , @utopian-io , @elear (The brilliant visionary that created @utopian-io ) , @aggroed , @minnowbooster , @timcliff (The voice of the community), @terrybrock , @steemit , @starkerz and @stephenkendal

Chapter/Post #6: The Vision of its Creators, and the Power of the Steem Blockchain (Current Developments and the Ones in Process)

1- What's the vision of Steem and Steemit?
2- Why is the Steem Blockchain so powerful?
3- What are SMTs, and what are they planning to achieve?
4- What is @utopian-io?

Special Credits on this Chapter for: @blocktrades , @lukestokes , @cryptographic , @extrospect , @starkerz , @teamsteem , @utopian-io , @elear (The brilliant visionary that created @utopian-io ) , @exyle , @cryptoctopus , @jerrybanfield , @mooncryption , @aggroed

Chapter/Post #7: Using bots to upvote quality posts you want to be reached by more people

1- What are upvoting Bots?
2- How to use them with quality posts and to gain more visibility?
3- How to use Bot Tracker by @yabapmatt to help you choose the best bidding bot
4- Important bots to reduce spam and double posting, like @cheetah created by @anyx

Special Credits on this Chapter for: @yabapmatt , @jerrybanfield , @anyx

Chapter/Post #8: How Making Connections with other Smart & Creative People that have our same likes make steemit and our way on steemit better

1- How to make a success path way on Steemit?
2- Getting to know smart and creative people on the platform
3- Collaborate with your knowledge and experience, to help the platform grow
4- Get to know the needs of the Community and see were your knowledge fits in order to help it be a better place

Special Credits on this Chapter for: @cryptoctopus , @timcliff (The voice of the community) , @terrybrock , @bigsilver , @utopian-io , @elear (The brilliant visionary that created @utopian-io ) , @theaustrianguy

Chapter/Post #9: Learning from Experts of specific topics on Steemit

1- Trading
2- Cryptocurrency
3- Investing
4- Steem Blockchain
5- Blockchains

Special Credits on this Chapter for: This will be revealed in the next few days

Chapter/Post #10: Other useful apps on the Steem Blockchain


Special Credits on this Chapter for: This will be revealed in the next few days

Chapter/Post #11: Steem as part of a much larger ecosystem

1- Bitshares
2- Steem
3- EOS

Special Credits on this Chapter for: This will be revealed in the next few days

Bonus Chapter/Post #12: Who are Steem Witnesses?

1- What is a Steem Witness?
2- Special personal Thanks for Witnesses that are contributing really huge for the Steem blockchain and Steemit

Special Credits on this Chapter for: This will be revealed in the next few days

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