Steem_Pocalypse(A Tale From The Apocalypse:The End)


Now I’m lying here on the beach, dying of dehydration talking to you, talking to a man that I don’t know. I don’t know if you are even real. Since I’ve been stuck here, waiting to die, I’ve done a lot of thinking. Thinking about the things, I’ve done. I’ve realized that I deserve an ending like this. I deserve to die in front of you, Wanderer, to die in front of a complete stranger. It is almost night times and I don’t think it will be long before someone comes along. The colors in the sky are beautiful, the blues, reds, and oranges dancing and deepening behind three or four random clouds.

Wanderer, I don’t know how you have come to me or how long you’ve been following me, but I have a request to ask of you. I don’t deserve to die easily. Will you allow me to continue to die slowly. I must pay for what I did, whether it was an accident or not. I loved Kai. And I’m sorry.

The man walks over to me and crouches next to me. His face has no features. The dehydration is advancing quickly and has distorted my vision to no return. Please let me die, I whisper to him as he leans in slowly. He grabs my hand and lifts it. He places a hand under my upper arm and examines my forearm. Everything is fading from black to white to a rainbow of the reds and oranges of the sunset. My head is heavy now but light all at the same time and I can feel unconsciousness swooping down for me like a hawk attacking a mouse in a field.

The man began to smell my arm. The skin on his face is stubbly and rough. I cant focus on anything and everything is spinning. The colors are a pinwheel, spinning in the warm wind of the beach. The night times are almost here. The man begins licking my arm and I can’t feel the wetness. And then he bites.

I see blood but feel nothing. This is what I deserve. And I’m sorry Kai. I never meant to hurt you. I love you. It is time.
Goodbye, love.

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