Take this infusion to feel better

Hello, dear friends.
In this opportunity I want to tell you about a Tè that has solved me very many times symptoms that are very annoying, like the abdominal inflammation, the noise or meteorism accompanied by abdominal pain.


Its ingredients are easy to find, in my house, I have them in my garden.

The ingredients are:
1- Celery Spain or celery.
2.-Yerba good.
3.- Anise star.

I want to comment on their properties, this way you can do it with confidence, knowing the active ingredients they contain and what makes them medicinal.

Very well, we start with:

Celery Spain or celery.


Celery (Apium graveolens L), belongs to the umbelliferae family such as parsley and fennel. It is native to southern Europe and was widely used in classical antiquity. Their ancestors were wild little fleshy plants and bitter. In its current form it is the result of the selection and cultivation carried out in the sixteenth century in Italy.

They contain essential oils, mainly limonene and furanocoumarin. It also contains a substance called
3-n-butylphthalide (3 NBP, or NBP for its acronym in English), which gives celery its characteristic aroma. Celery is rich in a natural substance called apigenin that helps to dilate blood vessels. Apigenin fights stress oxidative at the cellular level and acts as a natural anti-inflammatory.
It has many other benefits, apart from being a powerful antispasmodic, anti - inflammatory, hypotensive, diuretic, etc.
Because of its emenagogo effect (stimulates blood flow in the pelvis and uterus) it is advisable to avoid consuming celery in any of its forms during pregnancy.

Yerba Buena


Its scientific name is Mentha spicata. Mentha spicata (Crantz, synonymous with M. viridis (L.) L.) popularly known as mint or peppermint, is a species of the genus Mentha, an aromatic herb widely used in gastronomy and perfumery for its intense and fresh aroma. It is native to Europe , Africa and Asia, but it is used a lot in Mexico and other countries of America.

One of the most important properties of mint is that it has antispasmodic and carminative effects, helping to combat digestive problems, especially for cases of indigestion, flatulence and stomach pain or cramps.

Its active components (or essential oils) are: 70% free and combined menthol, menthone, felandrene, lemon.
It has contraindications in children under 5 years, due to possible side effects caused by menthol.

Star Anise


The star anise is a tree up to 20 m in height.
The fruit is used, which is composed of 4 follicles of up to 17 mm in length, joined by the base to a central axis and irradiated horizontally.

It is native to Egypt and is grown in Syria, Malta, Spain, Germany, China, tropical Asia and Jamaica.
Active principles and essential oils of Anise
This fruit contains at least 70 mg of essential oil (mainly anethole), aldehydes and anisic ketones, cineole, estragole and safrole. They also contain tannins, sugars, acids and phenols in small quantities.

Medicinal properties of star anise.
The star anise is recognized medicinal properties in the systemic system as tonic and in the digestive as antispasmodic and carminative. They are also attributed properties as expectorant, galactógena, aperitive. It facilitates breathing and activates circulation by toning the heart.

The essential oil of the Star Anise determines an appetitive, carminative, eupéptica, spasmolytic, antiseptic, antidiarrheal, expectorant, emmenagogue and galactogenic action.

The effect refers to an antispasmodic effect in the smooth stomach muscles and to an effect of decreased fermentation in the intestinal flora.

Now the preparation of the Tè:

1- Take approximately 250 ml of water, and boil them in a pot.
2- Then we wash a branch of Appius Spain (leaves and stem) that is fresh, and add it to the water.
3- Wash 7 mint leaves and reserve for the end.
4- When the tea begins to boil, we place 3 stars of anise.
5- Let boil for about 3 minutes, then add the leaves of peppermint and turn off the heat and cover the pot, let boil 2 minutes more.
6- Let rest and serve the cup of tea.

The number of cups per day It will depend on how our discomfort is, I recommend one in the morning, another at noon and another at night.

Bon Appetite.



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