Take the stairs next time

Sometimes, you just need to walk down the stairs.

My shift is finally over, and I pack up to head down to the gym.

I get in the elevator, and instead of going down one floor, the elevator shoots up to the seventh floor, home of the big engineering firm that stuck its logo on the building. I peek out at the cherry wood lobby (very nice!) and I see no one there. The doors close, and I descend.

Only to the next floor.

I glance through the doors, and see no one's there again.

I thumb the "door close" button, which is actually useless, because it only works when you have a key in the system, but I do it anyway. The doors close.

Down I go again.

One more floor, and it stops. Nobody's there.

As you probably guessed, the elevator stopped at each remaining floor, and never once was anyone there to get on.

Finally, I'm at the ground floor, and I get out. I wondered if the elevator continued down to the basement.

I wasn't going to find out.

I doubt this building's haunted. It's not old, and to the best of my knowledge, there's been no history of violence or suicides here.

But, it's incidents like this that make me wonder.

Well, the stairs are healthier.

Oh well, gym time starts now.

Good night.

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