
Have you ever been discouraged by little beginnings?? You just want to start up big like GBAM 💣!!! You have blow. Well it's not bad to dream big things, but starting up big is not always possible, except your dad is a senator in Nigeria 😁. Personally, I've always had big dreams, dreams of making great impacts on a global scale, but I can't just wake up and be that. It takes lots of processes, lots of small things.

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Little drops of water they say, makes up an ocean.

Fault with that quote though is the absence of the word the consistent. If those little drops are inconsistent, it'll take more than 100 life times to create an ocean. Maybe consistency can do it half that time.

Big things are not actualized instantly. Relating the quote above to my steemit journey. I joined steemit December, 14th, 2017. I'm still a newbie, being barely 2 months old in the system. Well I thought it was going to be a smooth sailing for me because, the way @xpressng made it seem, it was like as soon as I join the platform I'm automatically a big boy.
This ideology should be canceled from the minds of newbies
So I started my steemit journey with my introductory post which earned me quite a reasonable reward compared to others I have seen. With the backing of 100,000 spirits( I'm not legion), I got a huge adrenaline boost to make more posts thinking I was going to earn quite higher than even my introductory post Boy 'O' Boy, I was quite misguided to think such. I made a post about the current issue then in Nigeria. The issue of tithing I was expecting to get a good reviews from the post, but to my utter surprise and heart-breaking dissatisfaction I got upvoted by 8 persons that couldn't boost the reward value, I'm grateful to them, because they were the boost I needed to make more posts and I made more. Two weeks into the system I could boast of 2 delicious sbds from about 8 to 9 posts, meaning that the two sbds actually came from my introductory post. I was totally discouraged and wanted to quit, and why not? I was making good posts and I wasn't getting the expected number of audience I thought I was going to get. I mean check out this post, this very post gave me massive recognition on facebook, everyone was actually amazed at how I could create that effect using my mobile phone, it meant nothing to nobody on steemit though, I guess they had seen better.
Fast forward, I took a decision. I finally reasoned that consistency would be the key to actually get something out of this platform. So I took it as a task upon my self to make at least 2-3 posts every day. It wasn't easy for me because I'm actually a photographer, writing was never one of my abilities, talk more of blogging, consistent blogging for that matter. My life can attest to the statement made by @surpassinggoogle in one of his posts where he said that

The steemit effect has become powerful

I can't quite remember the actual words, but he also said about steemit heightening someone's abilities and developing skills that were non-existent. Those words are prophecies that came true in my life. Before steemit, I was just a basic photographer, no additional or exceptional skills attached, I couldn't really stand writing or reading long texts. 2 months into steemit I think I have improved on those and even my photography skills were enhanced.
These are samples of my photography exploits.







All the pictures you see were captured and edited with my mobile phone.

Back to the discuss about consistency, I remained consistent, churning out good articles and getting to know other members of the community, Nigerians especially. With time I stopped having $0 rewards on my posts, I had started to gain some reputation. My biggest hit was when @surpassinggoogle paid a visit to my blog and upvoted some posts.
here and also

I felt like I was touched by an angel with love( I think He's an angel)

After that massive boost, my steemit career totally changed. I put in extra work work, made lots of quality posts, snapped some more cool pictures and today, I'm proud of how well I have done. Although it's not the level I want to attain.

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Prophet Zechariah was a wise man.

Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin, to see the plumb line in Zerubbabel’s hand.” Zechariah 4:10 New Living Translation (NLT)
Prophet Zechariah

Replace Zerubbabel's hand in the scripture with your hands. Even God supports little beginnings.

Now I earn amazing rewards from my post although mainly posts made as contributions on the utopian platform

So far I have made over 400 posts on steemit(including comments), and I think that's not so bad.
For you newbie reading this, I urge you to stay consistent.


Consistency breeds giants

The quote above is a personal statement I made when I read @ejemai's steemit story. Starting from zero and now he's one of the biggest heroes on steemit in Nigeria. See what consistencydid for him in a year.
@ ejemai's story is a confirmation of the scripture that says

Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men.
Proverbs 22:29 King James Version

I'm hopeful the scripture above is also made manifest in my life.

Through consistency I have met( not actually though) some great men who's journeys on steemit have been successful, and consistency was their major key.
@surpassinggoogle. He's several shades of amazing, humble, community driven and purposeful. I once spoke with him privately and he gave me a huge encouragement with these words.

I love your photos keep it up.

Those words started a kind of engine in me.

Then there's @ejemai who from my day 1 on steemit has been a role model. I haven't really spoken with him except through his comment one time. My spirit and his just ticked when I joined steemit and saw his post. He's changing the game for young Nigerians and making it easy for them to be on the this platform with the launching of stach( steem accelerator hub) in the coutry.

I've also known @donkeypong via comments too

Then @darmath

Then I've met some great personalities who are members of the #steembees community on whatsapp
@ewuoso A fearless leader
@onos who I owe the gratitude of learning the utopian trade
@princeso I call him my customer
@prechi who supported the purchase of a new phone when the other developed a fault
@tonyduke I call him daddy
@stevenson7 my paddy of life
@xpressng who introduced me to steemit
@anyadan my photography tutor

These people are amazing and without them life on steemit would have been less fruitful.

This platform has done a lot for me, more than I can ever say, especially financial independence. With the goodness I have received, I plan to give back to the community by sponsoring some kids in my street to school. Education is quite vital these days, I mean I wouldn't really know my way around here without education.

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There are about 3 of them and I've met with their parents about my decision and they were super excited. I felt a deep sense of joy in my heart not only because I'm able to help people now but looking back to just December last year I was the one meeting people to seek help from them. I've tagged this project "EVERY KID A STAR"

My status has changed, there's no more decline.

Started from the bottom, now we here

I hope I can get all the support I need for this project as I plan to send more than 10 kids to school before the beginning of a new session, I'm quite certain that with the help of community and the force that pushes us to keep doing good I'll receive support for this project. So I'm calling out to every whale out there, help me actualize this dream as I can't do it without your help.

Consistent little drops of water, makes up an ocean.
kodeblacc 2018.

God Bless Nigeria!
God Bless Every Steemian in the world!

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