Amazon Fitness - Squat 225lbs 3x10

Aloha y'all! Here's a clip of my third set. Normally I squat in squat shoes with a narrower stance. In this video, I'm squatting in my chucks with a much wider stance than I'm used to. I also normally squat ATG or Ass To Grass, but I decided to keep the tension in my glutes and hams and stop right when the top of my hip crease breaks parallel below my knee. I've noticed that by doing this, I have a lot more power coming out of the hole.

It's been two days since this video took place, and wow, my glutes and hams are definitely sore.
Don't be afraid to experiment with your squat stance and shoes. I've been powerlifting for two years now and I still haven't perfected my stance or even where I place the bar on my back.

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