how to have the desired body regardless of your metabolism!

Hello steems today I will show you secrets, diets and more!

These are the secrets to fill those clothes and have a fantastic look by: http: //
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  1. Lift weight
    Long and continuous efforts, such as running or cycling, are great for burning fat, but they do not make your muscles grow. Weight pitchers, sprinters, tennis players, basketball players? All lift weights. If you want to grow, put iron in your life.

  2. Lift more weight
    In order for your muscles to grow you have to push yourself above your limit. Be careful, you do not have to injure yourself. Always keep the correct posture. You just have to follow this principle: when your head tells you that you can not lift the weight one more time, lift it up once more.
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  3. Volume
    More weight or more repetitions? Both! The volume is the weight multiplied by the repetitions, and that is the value that you have to increase. If you do only three repetitions with a lot of weight, you will increase the strength, but not the size of the muscles.

  4. Short and intense
    Spending two hours in the gym is a bad idea. Your muscles store a finite energy in the form of glycogen. If you exhaust it, you will not be able to reach the maximum volume, because you will have run out of strength. You have to push the muscle to the limit with the energy you have. The session should not last more than 50 minutes.
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  5. Measure and progress
    The muscles get used to the effort right away. That's why it's important to keep a training diary and your progress, and every day raise more volume than the last time. I did not say the same, I said something else. For example, if you did ten repetitions with 20 kilos, you have to do ten with 25 kilos, or twelve with 20 kilos.

  6. Rest
    The muscle does not grow in the gym, it grows while you sleep. If you do not leave rest days between training, or do not sleep enough, the muscle fibers do not regenerate properly and do not grow. Can not you lift more than in the previous session? Your muscles have not recovered. Go home and come back the next day. As they say in California, Go Hard Or Go Home.

  7. Eat
    We are talking about gaining muscle, not losing weight. You have to eat more quantity, but without going over it. Calculate an additional 15% on your usual spending. Your body has to build new mass, so you need bricks, that is, more proteins. But not only proteins. If you do not eat enough carbohydrates, the body breaks down proteins to use them for energy, and they do not reach the muscles. Eat hydrates that are slowly absorbed, such as legumes, brown rice and lots of green. Do not forget the fat, little, but necessary.

  8. No stress
    You already know that growth hormone is essential to increase your muscles. But if you are stressed, your body is flooded with cortisol, a hormone that puts us on alert. Cortisol blocks growth hormone and testosterone. It also cancels the immune system, increasing the risk of falling ill. Take things slowly.
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    All this is not a program for the whole year. I repeat, we talk about gaining muscle, but you can not win indefinitely. You have to alternate seasons of muscle growth with other maintenance or fat loss.

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Muscles are essentially made of proteins, so they need them to compensate for the wear and tear that occurs with effort.

In extreme cases, proteins can also fulfill an energetic function, being used as fuel.

Although it can vary in each person according to their metabolism, in a standardized way a daily consumption of 1.8 to 2.5 grams per kilogram of weight is recommended.
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If you weigh 70 kg therefore your daily protein recommendations will vary between 126 to 175 grams per day. Remember that we are talking about proteins, not meat or fish. In general, only 20% of the weight of meat or fish is protein.

There is a myth that only a maximum of 30 grams per intake can be absorbed, which is denied by studies and you can find it explained in this article by Sergio Espinar.

There is not an optimal number of intakes because each body reacts differently but exceeding in intakes will not make more efficient the absorption of proteins and release of amino acids but quite the opposite.

👉 But remember that if you want to reduce the inflammation of the digestive system to use proteins in the muscle instead of digestive tissue repair, it is better to eat between 2 and 3 times a day.

If you want to know more or less how much protein you can find in some sources for your diet to gain muscle mass, here are some of the most important ones:

Cod: 17 gr per 100gr
Shrimp: 23 gr per 100gr
Chicken breast: 22gr per 100gr
Lentils: 9gr per 100gr
Turkey breast: 28gr per 100gr (plus tryptophan that helps you sleep better, it's good for dinner but not before training)
Beef tenderloin: 27gr per 100gr (in addition to zinc that helps repair the tissues and a good source of creatine)
Pork loin: 27gr per 100gr (plus thiamin that helps you recover after exercise, zinc and helps to generate testosterone)
Lamb: 26 gr per 100gr (in addition to niacin and a good source of vitamin B12, also zinc and selenium)
The turn of carbohydrates!

The consumption of carbohydrates can be variable depending on the objective, your metabolism and your genetics (then we will delve into it, so be sure to read the whole article).
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Carbohydrates have the characteristic of becoming energy faster than fat. In the muscle, carbohydrates are used to produce energy or stored as glycogen to be used later.

A good amount of carbohydrates will make your diet to gain muscle mass have a caloric surplus necessary to grow muscle. What is the problem? That an excess of these could accumulate in adipose tissue.

👉 Remember that adipose tissue also generates pro-inflammatory substances, so it is better to reduce it instead of increasing it in order not to slow down an anabolic state.

Therefore, choosing the source of carbohydrates can make a big difference in your muscle gain.

My recommended carbohydrate sources in order of importance:

Fruits and vegetables
Dried fruit
Rice in case it is really difficult to reach a caloric surplus.
If you want more information you can check our healthy carbohydrates guide.
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We have all seen in the Rocky films how, after training, they sipped half a dozen raw eggs. Eggs are very complete foods that provide quality fat that helps us reach our daily caloric goal.
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Of the macronutrients, the fat is the one that contributes more energy (on average about 9 Kcal for each gram). In turn, fat is essential for important body functions such as the production of hormones, the integrity of cell membranes or a good resolution of inflammation.

If there is a deficit of fats in your diet to gain muscle mass, the production of anabolic hormones will be insufficient. There is a study that indicates that diets in which fat does not exceed 15% of the total calories consumed decrease testosterone levels and above 30% increase the natural production of testosterone.

Of the fats that we are going to choose, we will give priority to unsaturated fats for two reasons:

Help protect the muscle
They allow you to train at a higher intensity level and for longer (did I already mention that fats give you a lot of energy?)
My recommended fat sources are:
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Egg yolk (which also has albumin, which contains all the essential amino acids that your body needs and are essential to generate muscle).
Nuts (With a clear hypercaloric tendency You can see our nuts guide to have more information about them and choose them carefully)
Olive oil
Blue Fish
Grass meat
Each person is a world and the factors of how they process the calories they ingest vary between my neighbor and me (my neighbor just raising his hand to greet me has burned them all while I must train daily to do so).
Although using as an exclusive guide only the calories we eat is an obsolete model, it is true that we can give a reference of the daily amounts of food to be consumed.
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You can read here our opinion on the simplification of the calorie-based nutritional model.

👉 What is clear is that muscle is an expensive tissue to maintain.

This is the reason why once your body does not feel that it is necessary to maintain it (for example, when you stop training or when you get sick) the muscle is lost very quickly. To build muscle you need a caloric surplus that allows not only build but maintain the demands of this tissue.

If you want to know directly how many calories you should consume, you can use our tool to calculate the BMI and calorie calculator.

To get the necessary caloric requirements to gain muscle there are two methods:
If you already have a diet that works well to maintain your results, adjust the protein intake to that indicated in the previous section and keep the same proportion of fats and carbohydrates in your diet. To transform it into a diet to gain muscle mass begins to increase the rations to have a caloric surplus needed to repair and build muscle (yes, this requires a fairly significant energy expenditure).

As your muscles grow, your body will require more energy to maintain the muscle already formed and also continue with the increase in mass, so you will continue to increase your caloric intake.

The key to this method is to carefully control the progress of your body in order to readjust fats and carbohydrates until you have an ideal diet.

For this you can use a calculator to see what your caloric needs are according to your goal. If you are already using our application you can use the caloric recommendations and follow our nutrition plan.
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If you are not using it, what do you expect? Nothing like an expert telling you what to do to ensure results. You just have to click here.

If what you want is a calculator that gives you a diagnosis adapted to your gender, age, physical activity and percentage of body fat you can calculate it in this link.

Once we know the amount of base calories our body requires, we will distribute them in foods that are 4 or 5 hours apart (we expand more information in the next section) and we will consider the way in which our body gains muscle and stores fats to be able to distribute the macronutrients more appropriately.

To simplify we will use somatotypes that are not 100% accurate but can help a lot to make an approximation that we will go little by little adapting to our nutrition plan.

If you do not know what type of somatotype you are, you can take a look at this image and without much thought choose the type of body that most resembles yours.
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Slow metabolisms, usually prone to store fat.

Body weight (Kg) x 26


Rapid metabolism, usually lose fat faster

Body weight (Kg) x 29-31


Balanced metabolism Normally athletic body.

Body weight (Kg) x 27-28


Slow metabolism, usually prone to store fat

Body weight (Kg) x 29 or 31


Rapid metabolism, usually lose fat faster

Body weight (Kg) x 35-39


Balanced metabolism Normally athletic body.

Body weight (Kg) x 33

Having said all this, I want to repeat something important to you to create your diet to gain muscle mass. It has been proven that in isocaloric and slightly hypocaloric diets with the appropriate amount of protein, muscle growth can be maintained.

👉 So you know, do not stress with the calorie issue, eat until you can be satisfied or satisfied, and control your proteins

One of the keys to obtain a diet to gain optimal muscle mass is to properly distribute the nutrients every day since there is a thin line between muscle growth and fat accumulation.

Therefore, we will also make a distinction based on your somatotype in order to distribute fats, proteins and carbohydrates more specifically to obtain better results.


Slow metabolism, usually prone to store fat

Protein: 3 gr per Kg of body weight.

Fat: 1 gr per Kg of body weight.

Carbohydrates: Fill the rest of calories.


Rapid metabolism, usually lose fat faster

Protein: 2.7 g per Kg of body weight.

Fat: 0.8 gr per Kg of body weight.

Carbohydrates: Fill the rest of calories.


Balanced metabolism Normally athletic body.

Protein: 2.7 g per Kg of body weight.

Fat: 0.9 gr per Kg of body weight.

Carbohydrates: Fill the rest of calories.

Rest days you can choose to reduce carbohydrates to encourage the use of fat as an energy substrate, so if you have spent calories and you are storing it in the form of fat this can serve to burn it efficiently.

There is research that suggests that eating frequently may not be the best option for anabolism in general.
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It has even been proven that protein synthesis lasts up to 3 hours and that amino acid levels remain elevated up to 5 hours (study).

Even when trying to raise the level of amino acids in the body through a higher frequency of meals, amino acids have a lower anabolic effectiveness because the body does not work in the same way.
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The same happens if you eat every 2 or 3 hours with insulin, you lose many benefits of your protein intake when it is at a high level for a long time.

👉 It is then concluded that it is better to space the feed intake in a range between 4 to 5 between them.

It provides variability, intensity and above all, work of strength to your training sessions. A session of strength is based on mobilizing enough weight and performing few repetitions.
Do not leave much fasting space after training. Right after training the muscle will be a favored tissue to get the nutrients so it is a key moment to eat something. Fruit, dried fruit and even some protein would be optimal. If you have made a good session you may not be hungry. It's okay to wait for those ten minutes back to calm giving your body room to ask for food.
Be constant. To maintain muscle mass it is necessary to maintain the activity. If you do not send the signal that the muscle should continue to grow, the caloric surplus that you are ingesting will become fat while you lose muscle mass.
Add some weights to your exercise routine. Strength training is appropriate to activate the oxidation of fats and generate microrotures to generate a regulated hypertrophy.
If you want to add weights for your strength routines I recommend kettlebells or kettlebells. You can see all about how training to gain muscle in this article should be.
Beware of adaptation. As you train the muscle will require new stimuli to keep improving.
Hydrate well. Approximately 70% of the muscle is made up of water, so drinking water properly will bring you better results. If you have doubts about how to hydrate you can review our hydration guide.
The night is long. Eating protein just before sleep can accelerate muscle growth. In the hours of sleep is when the body regenerates and makes the muscle grow more and better
Supplements Although in general with the recommendations we have given you is enough, if you notice that your body is reluctant to increase in volume you can supplement it. Ojo !, it is better to make small changes in your diet until you get results. But if it was not enough, take into account that the L-glutamine that makes up 40% of the muscle amino acids or branched amino acids that stop catabolism and favor the Protein synthesis are the most used.

  • About 10-15 grams per day is recommended, so consuming this supplement in tablets may be more difficult than consuming it in powder form. If you do not know much about this supplement, considering quality / price, I recommend myprotein l-glutamine.
  • BCAA. There are amino acids present in the muscles and about 4 grams a day are recommended. In this case it is better to choose a 2: 1: 1 ratio of Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine because it looks much like the ratio of amino acids that you can find in foods of animal origin. You can see more about this in our essential amino acids guide.
  • And if you want to train with more energy and with better performance, creatine is very good for this. However, if you do not want to have stomach problems in the loading phase, I recommend reading my article about creatine first.
    Put eggs. And I do not say it because of the desire, because that is more than clear but because the boiled eggs are an ideal combination between protein and fat with almost no carbohydrates. In addition they can be carried anywhere in an easy and clean way.
    Take it easy and avoid stress. Stress hormones are catabolic (degrade muscle) so it is important to keep it at bay. Sleep the hours you touch, visit natural spaces and reserve some time to enjoy doing nothing and even meditate to keep stress under control (you can see our article about meditation).
    Rest is sacred. Night is the space that our physiology reserves to recover and regenerate tissues. For the day you train at night you grow. It is the ying and yang of muscle growth. I recommend you a lot if you want to grow your muscles well, learn this article in which I teach you how to sleep better.
    Do not stay hungry. It often happens that when we move towards a healthy diet and leave behind the processed and flour pastries, we tend not to compensate this absence by increasing the portions of the rest of the food. Basically for a matter of habit. For example, it is likely that if you do not eat bread in a restaurant menu you need two seconds to satisfy yourself, it is normal and necessary to reach our caloric requirement. The good thing about eating food and not refined products is that we can be guided by the hunger we have. If you want to learn more about this diet you can find more information in our paleo diet guide.
    Use Mammoth Hunters. Our application has free sessions that you can use to start seeing results immediately and its PRO version includes diets adapted to your goals. Try it here. If you already have experience training and you want a 100% program designed to generate hypertrophy using functional training, I recommend pressing this button to access the Unbreakable program:
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