You want to gain more muscle mass and get fit!!!!!

hello steem today I come to tell you all about muscle mass! by:

You may have tried different types of training and noticed improvements in strength but no increase in muscle mass ... so it has
You're unmotivated and maybe you've even thrown in the towel, right?

When you start training for the first time (especially if you are a beginner) the increase in strength is due to better coordination and adaptation of the nervous system.
After the first 6-8 weeks your body is able to perform more repetitions, although physically you do not look stronger. However, if you train with consistency, your muscles will begin to adapt.
Muscles are made up of fibers that can become thicker and stronger. After each workout, the body tries to repair the muscle tissue.
If you try hard enough, your body adapts to the new training stimuli and the muscles begin to grow.

There are two things that primarily stimulate muscle growth: a structured (and progressive!) Training plan and a protein-rich diet.

A man training with an app
Muscle growth is closely linked to genetics: some people develop muscle mass much more easily than others. However, regardless of how your genetics are, you can have a more muscular body if you organize your workouts in this way:

2-3 strength training per week if you are a beginner (if you already have experience, you can train more frequently).
For beginners: normally 24 hours are enough to recover from a short workout (<30 min) if you work your entire body. But if you are going to focus on a muscle group like the legs, for example, it is advisable to wait 48 hours to retrain the same part of the body. If you still want to do some physical exercise during the wait, you should do some short and low intensity training in which you work your whole body. For the more advanced ones: rest at least one or two days a week, ideally after the longer or intense training you are going to do.
For beginners it is sufficient to do between 2 and 3 sets per exercise, while the more advanced ones will need to perform 3-5 (or more!) Sets. The biggest mistake you can make is to try to gain muscle mass without a training plan! Keep in mind that muscle growth requires perseverance and a gradual increase in the intensity of workouts. A good training plan can calculate the series and repetitions so you can see the results even if you train at home!
The recommended amount of repetitions depends on the type of exercise and the effort involved in doing it. Start by doing as many repetitions as you can while maintaining a good shape. For example, if you see that you can only do one push or push up, make one in each series and finish the series doing push-ups on the knees.
To stimulate muscle development it is important to progressively increase the load, regardless of the level you have. When you notice that you are increasing strength, choose variations of harder exercises or do more repetitions. A golden rule is to do more difficult exercises or to vary them more when you see that you can do more than 12 repetitions without any difficulty.
To see how hard your muscles work, focus on slow, controlled descents. The eccentric part of the movement (when you lower the body to make a flex, for example) supposes more load for the muscles. Try to count up to 3 seconds as you slowly descend: voilà how to make a simple exercise more difficult!

Can you gain muscle mass without using weights?

Yes, if you perform exercises that involve an adequate load for your muscles, they will grow and become stronger. A good workout plan with your own weight or bodyweight is the solution. Why? The planned workouts ensure that you are challenging your muscles to follow the progress we have discussed above.

Can not you think of how to train without weights and develop muscle training at home? Take a look at the 12-week training programs with the weight that the Results app offers: the plans take care of increasing the load of the exercises and keep track of your progress !!

Do cardio workouts make you lose muscle?

If you do them correctly the cardio sessions can influence the loss of muscle mass, but they will not spoil all your effort to gain muscle. Nutrition and recovery phases are the keys to correctly combine resistance and strength training.

One of the things that really influences the loss of muscle ... is a bad diet!

Working the muscles without giving them the fuel they need will only overload your body and you will not get the results you want. It is best to take into account the basic points of the diets to increase muscle mass:

The protein is the basic element for the muscles. It's not just a matter of gorging on protein after training: what really matters is the total amount of protein you take in a day. This means that if you really want to see results you should know how you distribute the macronutrients throughout the day. Obviously keep track mentally is crazy, but there are apps like Balance that allow you to keep track of what you eat and inform you of the amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates that you have consumed at each meal. Practical, right? Eye to datum: our body can only absorb 20 grams of protein per meal, so do not overdo it!
To gain weight (muscle or fat) you need to eat a little more calories than you burn. Learn to gain weight in a healthy way, without overeating or fattening. In this case, it will also be practical to use an app that helps you register your meals and offers you a nutritional guide.
A man records his food with an app

But what happens if you already have a good level of muscle mass and what happens to you is simply that it is not very visible? Many people want to have a more muscular body, but that does not necessarily mean they have to gain weight. Are you trying to score abs but you can not get it? In that case you should focus on losing fat and not increase caloric intake.

If you do not train or eat enough, your muscles will not grow. But, on the other hand, if you train a lot but eat too much, it may increase your fat level.

That is why it is so important to follow a training and nutrition plan: and if you also do it with integrated apps ... the calories you burn with physical exercise will be reflected in your daily caloric intake!

Have you wanted to gain muscle?

Do at least 2-3 strength workouts a week.
Follow a training plan that progressively increases the load to which your muscles are exposed.
Your muscles need to eat well: follow a balanced diet in which you consume enough protein.
Be patient and follow these guidelines for more than eight weeks ...
... you will see that you get results! 😉
bye bye steemian!

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