How to have steel triceps and biceps!

Hello steems today I will show you some exercises and tips to have steel triceps start

The main function of the triceps is to extend the forearm over the arm and fix the elbow joint, essential movements for any work of force in the upper body.

4 sets per exercise, with repetitions of 8 to 12 plus 3 (until no more power or failure); you will rest 90 seconds between each set

I guarantee you will have a pleasant night, so rest well after this assault routine.

Remember to heat first and send blood to the whole body; It can be on the treadmill, stretching, grabbing some light weights and starting to pump blood to the muscles that are going to work today. Remember that we come to train for a better life, not to injure ourselves to continue being mediocre. It is a routine to win our own battle.
It is a complicated muscle when training because we must perform different exercises to work the three areas and this involves a specific technique especially for those who are not used to exercise it.
Important aspects when training the triceps brachii:
Know how to use the appropriate loads, otherwise there is a risk of involving other muscles that should not come into play during the exercise due to bad technique.
If the muscle tone is correct and we know the proper way to work it, it is normal to work with high loads to increase muscle mass.
We must vary the exercises and try not to repeat the same triceps routine two days in a row, so we will work all angles, portions and more muscle fibers, thus achieving greater long-term development.
The muscle needs rest to grow, so it is worth nothing to train it every day of the week (a minimum of 48 hours of rest is recommended)
Recovery is synonymous with stretching when we talk about training. Do not forget to stretch your triceps at the end of the workout.
3 essential exercises when training the triceps in its entirety:

Biceps / 4 sets

-Olympic bat with 15% of our body weight TOTAL, 8 to 12 repetitions plus 3

  • Z-bar with 10% of our body weight at failure. Do not count here the repetitions (healthy destruction)
  • Hammers with dumbbells with 20% of our body weight, 8 to 12 repetitions

Triceps / 4 sets

  • Z bar lying on the bench, let's make skull crushers (breaking skulls) bringing the bar to the forehead keeping the elbows closed. 10 to 12 reps with 10 to 15% of our body weight
  • Press with closed grip in bar Z 10 to 12 reps with 20% of our body weight in the bar.
  • Lizards with elbows stuck to the body, to failure (until no more power)
    Foot tricep extensions.

    Forearms / 4 sets
  • Forearm curl with straight bar, palms facing up (supination) supported with forearms on the thighs. 10 to 12 repetitions with 15% of our body weight.
  • Forearm curl with straight bar, palms facing down (pronation) supported with forearms on the thighs. 10 to 12 repetitions with the same weight.
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