West Sea Resort Sauna

For a love movement of people, especially long distance running back, I give you the advice is not to shower cold water,My friend had an accident due to shower cold water, admitted to the hospital,Perhaps you usually feel good body,Running a 10 km are no problem, the feet do not cramp,However, if you usually do not pay attention to health care, this movement is actually harmful to the body, the shower must be warm water,Sweating, until have feel thirsty, feeling comfortable so far

Many people do not know the benefits of steam sauna, steam sauna can promote blood circulation and metabolism, Running love sweating, steaming sauna is also to sweat, make body muscles to relax, sweating feel very comfortable, Do you like hot spring sin winter?

This is with friends some party photos and dinners,They are from different cities,This is a happy party,All the friends are the people who love sports

许多人不知道蒸桑拿的好处,蒸桑拿可以促进血液循环和新陈代谢,跑步爱出汗,蒸桑拿同样也是要出汗,会让全身的肌肉放松,出汗感觉很舒服,西海的温泉从地底下2000米抽上来的地热,泡温泉像下饺子一样,人多,卫生是不放心,所以我会选择人少的池子. 这是和朋友们从南昌马拉松回来经过西海,相聚温泉镇, 平时很少这么多人,难得相聚

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