Splinterlands Battle Share with Supply Runner


Hi everyone! I hope you're enjoying playing Splinterlands!

Today I would like to share my battle with Selenia Sky, the beta dragon summoner. This is also my participation to Splinterlands challenge: SHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge! SUPPLY RUNNER

Let's get into the battle!

50 mana, healed out, keep your distance rulesets


In this battle, you can't use tank heal or triage, and can't use melee monsters.

We both picked Yodin as summoners and also picked the same 5 monsters. The only difference is that I picked scavo chemist that has headwind (-1 archery), slow, cleanse but the opponent chose Molten Ash Golem with demoralize, weaken, close range.

After the 1st round:

I killed their Molten Ash Golem but my team didn't lose any monster.

Both teams has supply runner, increasing friendly monsters' speed. I had scavo chemist, reducing the enemy's archery damage, and speed. That became a deciding factor here.

After the 2nd round:

They lost their Caladuum and their Cornealus only has 3 hp. I lost my Caladuum and Cornealus.
At this time, it still looks like a close match. However, we can't forget that there's speed differences, so my supply runner and gem meteor will attack before any of their monsters.

My Gem Meteor hit their Gem Meteor:
Their Cornealus and Tower Griffin got 3 blast damage. So this is what's left.

After My Supply Runner's Attack:


Last attack from my Tower Griffin:


My Monsters Line Up

スクリーンショット 2022-05-11 午後3.00.19.png

I picked this as the first monster because Caladuum has 12, void and immunity abilities. In keep your distance ruleset, you should expect archery or magic, so it's a great monster as a tank. If they had Dr.Blight, it can't poison this monster.

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I put this monster in the second position because it would absorb & reflect snipe damage if the opponent had snipe. Even if they don't have snipe, it will absorb and reflect blast damage from Yodin.

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The main reason I chose this card is because of the slow ability. I know that speed is super important when I use Yodin. The easy counter against Yodin is speed. If you have speed with Yodin, you can win against Kitty.

Headwind was a bonus for me but it's very handy in keep your distance ruleset where you have higher chance to see archery mosnters.

Cleanse is also nice because what if my Cornealus comes first, Scavo chemist is 2nd and the opponent has affliction or poison? Cleansing Cornealus would be very nice in that situation.

スクリーンショット 2022-05-11 午後3.13.04.png

The main monster of this post. It increases the speed and health of friendly monsters. A neutral monster with swift or strengthen is very rare. A must-have card if you are playing silver and above leagues!

I put this monster in the 4th position before Tower Griffin and Gem Meteor because Supply Runner has the most meaningful abilities out of those 3 archery damage dealers. So even if Supply Runner goes to the 1st position, it's okay because it keeps giving speed and hp buffs even though it can't attack from the 1st position.

スクリーンショット 2022-05-11 午後3.19.13.png

Tower Griffin provides 2 armors to friendly monsters. I put this monster before Gem Meteor because it can keep the 2 armors even if it goes to the 1st position whereas Gem meteor becomes a complete meat shield if it goes to the 1st position.

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I picked Gem Meteor because of the Scattershot ability. People don't like this ability but it is one of the best way to attack backline monsters in keep your distance ruleset. Sometimes it comes in handy in case the opponent has low hp monsters in the back.

This article talks more about why scattershot is useful in keep your distance ruleset.

Strategic Thoughts on this battle

I think there are 3 things that moved this game.

1. Speed
Both teams had Supply Runner increasing +1 speed. Obviously, it is a must-have card. I had slow decreasing the opponent monsters' speed, so negating their speed buff. So my monsters attacked before their monsters.

2. Archery debuff
I also had headwinds reducing the opponent's archery damage. So my team had 4 more total damage than the opponent.

3. HP pool
The opponent had 11 extra hit-point pools comparing Scavo chemist with Molten Ash Golem and Molten Ash Golem reducing 1 hp from each of my monsters.
Even though the 11 hp difference sounds big, it was not enough to cover up the speed and damage difference.

Did your strategy work? What will you try differently next time?

Having more speed buffs worked beautifully!

In this match, fire, earth, death, dragon splinters were available.
Next time, I could use Selenia Sky, Prince Renynn, or Mimosa nightshade. All of these summoners would have been great choices. One thing that won't change is that I would always put monsters with speed buffs such as Supply Runner!

Do you like the SUPPLY RUNNER? Why or why not?

I love Supply Runner! because it is a common neutral monster with swiftness and strength. I'm glad that it is not Epic or Legendary because I can use this card in rise of commons and lost legendaries ruleset.

If you want to read more about keep your distance ruleset strategies, I have 2 pots about it:

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Thank you for reading!!

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