Keep Your Distance Secret Strategy that no one is talking about

keep your distance.png

Keep your distance ruleset: Monsters with Melee attack may not be used in battles.

What is your go-to strategy in keep your distance ruleset?

I'm going to reveal a strategy for "keep your distance" ruleset that no one is talking about. Some of the top champion players use this strategy and it was eye-opening when I realized it.

Let's get into it!

What is the strategy?

1. Sneak ability_sneak_50.png

2. Scattershot ability_scattershot_50px.png

Some people might say ...

"Wait, you can't use sneak monsters because melee monsters can't be used"

"Wait, scattershot spread the attack. Why is it good?"

Reasons why sneak, scattershot work beautifully

Think about tanks that people use in this ruleset. Good players put monsters with magic reflect, return fire, void, shield.


Popular tanks in this ruleset

  • failed summoner
  • pelacor conjurer
  • lord arienthus
  • almo cambio
  • cornealus
  • wavebrood

Those monsters are very hard to beat. Either it takes long time to kill them or your monsters die from magic reflect, return fire before killing them.

It's better to attack other monsters first before killing those resilient tanks.
Is that possible in keep your distance ruleset? Yes it is! That's where sneak and scattershot comes in.

Some people might have though snipe as a way to go around the tank. Snipe might actually work, but it might not because good players would have 2 resiliet tanks like lord arianthus 1st, cornealus 2nd. So snipe might still have hard time.

Archery, Magic Sneak monsters


Most of the sneak monsters are melee but don't forget about these monsters that have sneak ability with archery or magic attack.

With these monsters, you can avoid most of the resilient tanks in front and start attacking vulnable monsters in the back.

I thought this strategy is brilliant because monst of the players in the game don't expect sneak in keep your distance ruleset!

Example battles

Let's look at how top champion players use this strategy!

60 mana silenced summoner, keep your distance

sub-2 is a champion player who is always on the leaderboard. Iza the fanged is the star of this battle. She stuns spirit of the forest and prevents her tank heal. Gradually, Iza takes out 4 monsters in the back!

36 fog of war, keep your distance

In fog of war ruleset, any sneak monster is not allowed. That means scattershot is the only way to avoid tanks and attack the vulnerable backline monsters.

Those 2 players have monstly the same monsters. Both teams have gem meteor that has scattershot ability. However, the winner sub-2 used another scattershot monster, acid shooter and that changed the game.

54 silenced summoner, keep your distance

Gnarkarda1993 is another champion player who is always on the leaderboard. In this battle, iza the fanged and goblin sorcerer were chosen.

Sub-2 chose Lira the dark, another great card for keep your distance.

They both have almo cambio as the 1st tank and cornealus 2nd tank.

2 sneak monsters > 1 opportunity monster
Another difference is that gnarkada1993 has amplify but sub-2 doesn't.

These 2 differences brought the win to gnarkada1993.

22 mana, true aim, keep your distance

Jacekw is another great champion player who is always on the leaderboard. He is against hunaar.

Hunaar chose 2 sneak monsters, dragonling bowman, and coral wraith. Dragonling bowman is not popular card who is 4 mana with 3 archery damage. Coral wraith has 3 magic damage and rust removing 2 armors of the opponent which helped a lot.

Jacekw has gem meteor with scattershot but doesn't have taunt so the team is vulnerable against sneak.

2 sneak monsters > 1 scattershot monster

Closing remark

I've been using this strategy for a while and it works pretty well. When I first discovered this, it was eye-opening to me. I hope this article helps you win more in this ruleset!

Another note, Mimosa nightshade is really strong in this ruleset because she gives void to all the friendly monsters and does -1 archery and affliction preventing healing. Even if you don't have Mimosa, you have a great strategy to win against Mimosa in this ruleset.

Let me know your thoughts in the comment section! Was this strategy new to you?

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