A clutch BACKFIRE from my opponent! [SPLINTERLANDS]


Got backfired at the last second... Ouch!

Back to Gold

Having been unable to access Gold leagues once last season because of a lack of Power, the itch of playing in Gold again pushed me to rent 30k more CP for a day this weekend.

On the market, there was a card offering exactly the 30k CP I needed; the Mermaid Healer. At a cost of over 600CP per DEC, I knew I could afford to rent it for a day or two and have a little fun in Gold again.

This card comes directly with Triage, so I thought to myself that I could even test the "double Triage + Taunt strategy" by combining it with the Spirit Hoarder and Wave Brood I freshly bought.

The battle

Rulesets: Noxious Fumes + Stampede
Mana Cap: 54
League: Gold III

On mobile:

On desktop:

Riftwing - Forgotten One - Start.jpg

In the following battle, I decided to play it a bit too defensive.

In high mana battles, we often encounter Sand Worm as a key unit. I thought I would see it on the opposite side, and that's the reason why I placed the Living Lava with its Shield on the backline.

In hindsight, I should certainly have gone with Sand Worm myself instead of Living Lava to take over my opponent's Riftwing. The difference in speed could have still been problematic though.

Riftwing - 50.jpeg

Riftwing - 60.jpeg

According to splintertools.io, I would have had over a 60% chance of winning instead of the 50/50 of the original lineup. In the end, it is Riftwing that "unexpectedly" defeated the Forgotten One!

Riftwing - Stats.png

I thought the win was mine when the two faced each other at the very end of the battle. But, I hadn't paid much attention to Riftwing having the Backfire ability. When the Forgotten One missed its hit, I was simply speechless.

Riftwing - Forgotten One - End.jpg

Well played @sharkgirl69!

I hope you've enjoyed this battle.
See you in the next one!


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Thank you.

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