Toying with the idea of buying GOLD FOIL LEGENDARIES! [Splinterlands]


Purchasing Gold Foil Legendaries?


I went on a shopping spree this last week by spending the 8000+ DEC I had collected during the past season. This helped me cross 20,000 Collection Power.

Knowing that a Chaos Legion Gold Foil Legendary offers 12,500 CP each, buying two of those would have propelled me to Silver II (40,000 CP required) without the need of renting. This idea was enticing.

Moreover, I was already considering buying a copy of Spirit Hoarder for a while as I found out that I was relying on this card quite heavily. Not having been lucky enough when it airdropped, my only chance of getting one was to purchase it off the market.

By comparing the Gold Foil to the Regular Foil, I noticed a significant gap in terms of CP per Dollar-cost. I always check this parameter each time I am about to buy a card because I look for useful cards that can buff my CP at the same time.

Spirit Hoarder Regular Foil DEC per Dollar.png

Spirit Hoarder Gold Foil DEC per Dollar.png

Chaos Dragon Regular Foil DEC per Dollar.png

Chaos Dragon Gold Foil DEC per Dollar.png

Not so long ago, a 100 CP per dollar-cost was considered as a decent deal, so I thought to myself "why not?". Alongside, the Regular Foil seemed to have already priced in the card's utility showing double the cost (less than 50 CP per dollar-cost).

The other card that crossed my mind was Chaos Dragon. I've briefly owned one BCX of that monster. However, after trying it out, I figured that without its Blast ability, the level 1 Chaos Dragon was not as useful as I thought it would be.

That being said, by acquiring a single Gold Foil copy of this monster, it would come with both the Blast and Scattershot abilities, which seems to be a deadly combo regarding the magic damage it can inflict.

The last thing that made me think hard about this idea was their scarcity. At the time of writing, there are less than 10 copies of each on the market! Even though only a quarter of the packs has been opened so far, that's still not a lot.


What was the problem then?

The roadblock I bumped into while thinking about all that was the leveled-up Summoners to play them. This would have meant an additional cost that I wasn't willing to pay yet.

I could have still bought the cards and rented them in the meantime, but by doing so I would have still had to keep renting cards to get to Silver II and above. All things considered, I finally decided to stick to the philosophy I followed so far:

The money I inject into the game systematically goes to SPS & I only buy cards with the revenues I manage to generate from the ecosystem itself.

With that in mind, it was clear that I wouldn't be able to afford Gold Foil copies of any monsters available on the market. Then, the only way of owning a Spirit Hoarder was to purchase a Regular Foil.

Buy Sell Moves.jpeg

To do so, I sold one of the Ifrit Rising I had stacked a few weeks ago, and with the DEC left in my account, I just had enough to get my hands on the desired card. So far, it has been revealed to be a good purchase as I got it for 2800+ DEC (it is already at 3900+ at the time of writing).

Even with a mediocre CP per Dollar-cost, I still see potential growth in Spirit Hoarder when compared to other cards that now sell for less than 10 CP per Dollar-cost! It is a Neutral card with Triage that could allow for new possibilities even at lower leagues.

For instance, Spirit Hoarder allows me to heal my Taunt Monsters without having to place them in the front. I ended up buying a copy of Wavebrood as well because I think it could synergize well with this new card.


Hopefully, I'll be able to own Gold Foil Legendaries in the (not so) distant future, but for now, I consider myself satisfied with the moves I've made.

See you in my next post!


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