Splinterlands: Shout Outs Plus 300 DEC Daily Giveaway #305(NO UP-VOTE, RE-STEEM, or FOLLOW required)

I hope everyone is well. I made the mistake of checking twitter right after the Steem HF. It was so wild and crazy I couldn't stop reading about the twist and turns. The lack of sleep was well worth it. Yesterdays comment asked you folks if I should post only on Hive or stick to both. It seems like most think double posting is the way to go. I decided I will listen and post on Hive and Steem at least until the end of the month. Thanks for the feed back

Yesterdays winner of 250 DEC

@chekohler DEC already sent to Hive-engine my friend.

Yesterdays Runner up winner of 50 DEC

@madgol It seems we are on the same page. Here is his comment 'I use only Hive for reading posts, upvoting, participating giveaways, interacting. I'm still posting on steem only to get steemmonsters upvote, when they'll stop, I'll stop'.

Todays Giveaway

Comment your thoughts on only buying cards Via DEC and Credits and olny reciving DEC as payment starting as soon as the Hive migration happens(June First is the ETA). I hope they give us a hive option in the near future.

Shout Out Time

@chekohler has a great channel and puts out all kinds of high quality post. Its truly a mixed bag of great post, go show him some love.

@pardinus Puts out healy helpful Splinterlands post like ROI, giveaways and more. He post cool non splinterlands stuff also.

@ronaldoavelino is your man if you are into coins and medals, I love it.

@clove71 this is the gal to follow if you are looking at winning Splinterlands cards, orbs, packs, and DEC. She never stops giving and has helped me a lot on my splinterlands journey.

That is all for today my friends, come back tomorrow for a great tip I have been using.

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