Fire Splinter Monsters. Ranked! ~The Splinterns~

Fire Splinter Monsters. Ranked!

Splinterns  fire ranked 1.png

  • "Splinter Monsters. Ranked!" Series Objective:
    • Display the cards that players value most, based off various metrics, in order to highlight the best cards in the game
  • What data is being used in this assessment?
    • Cost Estimator (6/22)
      • Excluding Summoners
      • Excluding Alpha cards
      • Diamond Target Deck Level
        • Common: level 10
        • Rare: level 8
        • Epic: level 6
        • Legendary: level 4
  • Tier 1
    • $40.01+
      • 54 total cards (All Splinters)
  • Tier 2
    • $15.01 - $40
      • 68 total cards
  • Tier 3
    • $0 - $15
      • 86 total cards

Splinter: Fire

Tier 1


  • Cerberus clocks in as the King Fire Splinter Monster. The low mana of 4 with high health on higher levels make the monster a useable, cheap tank. Add in heal and it becomes elite in the front positions, but then you mix it with retaliate and it's clear why Cerberus stands alone at the top. Cheap, healing monster with a lethal ability and solid speed/health...sign me up!
  • Fire Demon gets its value from the blast ability and high ranged attack. Level 6 is doing 6 damage a turn (4 range/2 blast) with decent health for its mana cost.
  • Goblin Shaman is an extremely strategical, no attack monster. Some other no attack monsters have a way to deal damage to enemies whether it be thorns, magic reflect or return fire. This Goblin reduces enemy health and speed and adds a lot of meat (health) to any lineup at a low mana cost and high speed.
  • Elemental Phoenix was the 1st fire monster I ever rented and WOW did I fall in love. The level 2 is sick with high speed/flying and blast while dealing 3 magic damage, but then the high levels become unreal when you add dodge and magic reflect. Basically the monster becomes super hard to hit with the right support and when magic is the only attack that can hit, it gets reflected back at the attacker.
  • I hope you participated in our Giveaway yesterday! 55+ Serpentine Spies were given out and I hope players realize how good this monster can really be. The Spy is a solid low mana monster with a great ability (opportunity) and decent speed/attack in the lower levels. Poison at level 10 really unlocks the Spy and makes it a game changer under most rulesets. Click twitter for a fun fact and while you're there...toss a follow! :)

Tier 2


  • I think Serpent of the Flame is undervalued and could easily be a Tier 1 monster. A speedy monster with 6 mana and 9/10 health is valuable in its own, but when you add piercing and poison to retaliate, 3 of the best abilities, this monster becomes a beast. Expect this card to move up on the list moving forward as players upgrade to higher levels.
  • Spark Pixies is decent in lower levels, but tough to play because you are banking on attacks missing it due to the low health. The level 8 Pixie adds dodge and stun to flying, while increasing other stats and brings it to an entirely different level. If you can avoid magic attacks, nobody is hitting a speed 7 with dodge and flying especially if you play speed support.

Tier 3


  • One card I enjoy playing is Zalran Efreet. On the surface, the low magic attack and health is underwhelming, but when you look at the abilities the picture becomes clearer. Life leech can potentially keep the monster alive for a good bit. Cleanse, headwinds and strengthen enhance the monster even more by turning it into a supporting card just as much as an attack.
  • Honestly, despite being at the bottom of the list, Ettin Spearman is definitely useable in lower leagues, especially in high mana cap games. The problem is that as it levels up, the added abilities aren't good enough for it to keep an edge. The added abilities are piercing and knock out. Piercing is solid, but not worth the high mana cost alone and knock out needs to be played with a complimentary card that restricts lineup construction.

Stay Tuned for Earth Splinter Monsters. Ranked!

Part 1 (Water) of Splinter Monsters. Ranked!


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