Shauner's 37th Splinterlands Brawl Report - PIZZA 2 The Deep Dish Guild


Welcome to my 37th #BrawlReport as part of the PIZZA 2 The Deep Dish guild! This is the brawl that ended around September 25, 2022.

I am again battling in a beginner fray for this brawl.

PIZZA 2 Guild Member Performance

Once again, @amaillo-m was the star brawler with 7 wins and only 1 loss. Congrats!

PIZZA 2 The Deep Dish Results

We earned 15 crowns and 808 merits for finishing in 3rd place in this brawl. After we struggled a bit in the last brawl, we retook the podium with this top-3 finish. We nearly tied for second place as we were only 1 win away. Our win rate was a respectable 55%, but the first and second place teams had stunning win rates of 70%.

My Battles

After my horrible performance in the last brawl, I managed 6 wins and 3 losses this time around. This is much more in-line with my expectations, although two of those wins were still the result of a fleeing opponent.

Featured Battles

Battle #1 - Loss

Watch the battle.

My go-to combination for an Earth brawl is a Llama summoner and the combination of both Kron and Quora Towershead. The two monsters have healing and Quora's bloodlust is great if it can get activated a few times.

Based on the lineup, I feel fairly confident, but am a bit concerned with my opponent's high level of range attack capabilities. Unfortunately, my opponent's bloodlust monster near the front of the lineup kept killing my cards and built up a high level of attack that I couldn't protect myself from. This was a disappointing loss.

Battle #5 - Win

Watch the battle.

In this battle, I had a high mana to work with and decided on a Yodin summoner with a Chimney Wallstop card to hopefully build up some bloodlust power. This battle did not allow legendary monsters, so I was a bit limited in that respect despite the high mana limit. I also placed a Disintegrator behind Chimney to reduce my opponent's melee attack by one, they also used this card so we were both dealing with a similar disadvantage here.

Thankfully, the first two kills I made were with Chimney, so he powered up from bloodlust quite a bit early on in the battle. Chimney also made the third and fourth kills which made him essentially unstoppable with stats of 7 melee, 4 speed, 4 shield, 11 health.

This was a satisfying win against a YGG guild member.

Final Thoughts

I'm thinking that part of my struggle lately is that my own strategy has not kept up with the better equipped opponents we are seeing in these brawls. I've been very successful to date using Yodin/Chimney or Llama/Quora/Kron, but that may not cut it anymore.

I didn't take part in the new Riftwatchers release and my understanding is that some of those cards could be gamechangers so I'll have to start re-evaluating my go-to strategy for these brawls to try to keep myself competitive.

I'm sticking to my rental-only strategy as I wait to see how things settle out with demand for game assets. The Riftwatchers release seems oddly timed considering there are still 5 million Chaos Legion packs available. I have about $8.50 in credits available so I will see how long I can stretch that to last with my brawl rentals!

What is the #BrawlReport?

kennysgaminglife spearheaded the #BrawlReport project as a way to get PIZZA guild members more engaged in the @Splinterlands community. Here's what he had to say:

*Starting with the brawl that just ended, I've invited/asked members of the #HivePizza guild to publish a #BrawlReport, breaking down their highs & lows, where they need help, questions they have, strategies they love, and so on. The idea is to help us all reflect a bit, learn a bit, share a bit, earn a bit, and connect a bit :-)

Check out the latest update on the Hive Pizza token project. We also have an announcement in there about the newest PIZZA guild! We are up to four Splinterlands guilds now and are consistently well-ranking.

Check out the other recent #BrawlReport posts from the #HIVEPIZZA family:

@relf87 - Guild Brawls With Pizza 2 - We Are Back To The Podium!

@candnpg - Splinterlands Brawl Report and Social Media Challenge

@blitzzzz - Splinterlands & PIZZA Brawl Report : My 49th Brawl Report

@vaynard86 - Social Media Challenge: Splinterlands Weekly (Sep 23- Sep 29) + Brawl Report

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