No Lose Run. Bronze to Silver Run Update.


Name's Chev. Also known as Furious Chicken.

I made a post last time about my strat to get you out of Bronze so you can start farming DEC on Silver ASAP.

Youtube vid:

Peakd article:

For references, here're the cards I rented. All level 1, of course.


I mentioned on the vid that I mainly just rent the four green cards, but for this run, to increase my chances of winning and getting to Silver, ASAP, I rented three extra cards. Lemme give you a quick breakdown of rental costs.

Mylor Crowling (R) - 6 DEC
Mushroom Seer (R) - 5 DEC
Earth Elemental (R) - 0.3 DEC
Wood Nymph (C) - 0.1 DEC
Furious Chicken (R) - 3.5 DEC
Creeping Ooze (C) - 0.3 DEC
Sand Worm (C) - 0.1 DEC

Total rent cost: 15.3 DEC

Now, this post is a report on how the lineups did with these four accounts. If you're interested in how to use them, please check out my vids/articles linked above.

Okay, lets go back to business.

Here's an update on the first four alt accounts

DISCLAIMER: All of my ALTs end the season at Silver 3, so their starting rating is 500. However, this lineup still works even if you start at 0 rating. The difference is that you'd need to play more games. About twice as much.

First account:
hknbnn nameplate.JPG

Games Played: 14
Wins: 14
Draws: 0
Losses: 0
Winrate: 100%

Now, this run is an exception, not the norm. Getting 100% winrate will not happen everyday. Here's the screenshot of the matches.

hakunabanana run.JPG

We faced a variety of lineups. No auto-surrender from opponents. All hard fought, but we're lucky enough to come out on top.

This is the only NO LOSE run. The other accounts had decent runs as well, of course. Here they are.

Second Account:
btskk3 nameplate.JPG

Games Played: 30
Wins: 22
Draws: 2
Losses: 6
Winrate: 73.33%

As you can see, this is not the best run. Six losses in 30 matches is okay but those two draws delayed our rating jump by a significant amount. Still, a decent run, percentage wise, especially if you're starting out but this next account is what your normal runs would look like.

Third Account:
klb953 nameplate.JPG

Games Played: 15
Wins: 13
Draws: 0
Losses: 2
Winrate: 86.67%

80-85% winrate is what you wanna strive for while doing this run on bronze. The objective is to get to Silver ASAP. If you're starting from 0 rating, getting 4-5 losses in 30 games in okay.

Before we wrap things up, let me show you an abysmal run courtesy of my fourth alt account.

Fourth Account:
lv953 nameplate.JPG

Games Played: 29
Wins: 20
Draws: 2
Losses: 7
Winrate: 68.96%

That 69% (NOICE) win rate is a disaster. We still managed to get 20 wins our of 29 games, and we still got to 1000 rating in under 30 games but that glaring 7 losses (courtesy of multiple Yodin Opponents, CURSE YOU SMURFS!) is too much.

With lots of practice, you should be able to identify what you can do to still come out on the win column even against OP opponents in bronze.

I admit that I'm already fatigued during this fourth run, which could've affected my result but it doesn't change the fact that NOT all runs with this lineup is going to be successful.

It all comes down to the Three Ps.

So what did we learn today?

  1. Mylor Stack works. Try it out.
  2. You can have NO LOSE RUNS with enough experience and luck. But its NOT the norm.
  3. Getting 80-85% winrate is the goal. Any less, assess what went wrong and adjust next run.
  4. Bad runs can happen. Don't give up on the lineup. Just try again.

Feel FREE to adjust the strat however you like.
See ya at SILVER.


-Chev (Furious Chicken)

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