0 to 1000: Get Out of Bronze at the Start of the Season, FAST!

Hi! Welcome back!


The Furious Chicken is glad that you’re here.
My name is Chev. And I wanna share a little secret on how to get from zero to 1000 rating in less than 30 ecr.

Yeah, you heard that right!
Before the end of this post, you’d learn how to take ANY account from 0 rating, especially for those who start at bronze after that pesky EOS downgrade, to Silver rating in 30 ecr of less.


In this Three Step Tutorial
1. I’ll teach you which cards to rent in under 11 DEC.
2. Which FREE cards to partner them with.
3. And How to use them in actual matches.

Don’t believe me? Let me show you my match history on this account, I’m ranking up right now. WOAH? BUGSHHHH~


Intrigued? Cue Bebop Theme.

3-2-1, Let’s jam. Ten-nen-tenen- tenenen.

Alright, that’s it.

Number One, One, one. One.
Rent these four cards. Mylor, Wood Nymph, Mushroom Seer and Earth Elemental.


That’s it, end of the video.

Nah, I’m not gonna leave you hanging like that.
We’re bros! Here, let's check out the cards first.

Mylor is the boss of the pack. For less than 6 DEC, you can rent Mylor’s awesome ability to Bristleback your way to winning. That almighty thorn ability destroys most tanks by dealing 2 damage back to ANY melee monster that hits your team.


Did I mention that Mylor gives the Thorn ability to EV-RY-ONE? Yup, each member of your team gets to clap back whenever they get clapped aside from their regular clapping.
How awesome is that?

Now, since everyone on your team needs to be hit to get that SWEET SWEET thorn damage out, you gotta make sure they survive right? That’s where the Wood Nymph comes in.


Now you might ask, but CHEV, but CHEV, we have that new GOBLIN PSYCHIC healer right? Why waste 0.1 DEC to rent this weaker version? Are you STUPED?

Hoh-hoh, but you see. There’s wisdom in listening, my child.

Above all else, the winning strategy of our lineup is to deal as much THORN damage as we can. So, it is imperative that we have more body and more HP to soak those damages and hit back. Wood Nymph’s four mana cost compared to Goblin Psychic’s six for one extra damage is not worth that 2 extra mana we could’ve used for another body like Failed Summoner imma talk about later.

Speaking of more HP with less mana, lemme show you the REAL MVP of this line up, the EARTH ELEMENTAL.


This card was part of the started deck pre-CL but it isn't anymore. Tho its still super stronk!

For 0.3 DEC, you get not only a ranged attacker but a WHOPPING SIX HP MEAT SHIELD to cover your Beep. Scared of those melee sneakers who wanna one shot your innocent Wood Nymph. Slam them with your WOOD. I mean, tree. With THORNS. Ahem, enough of that.

Now you might say, Chev, Chev, this isn’t enough! You only talk about melee damage! What about magic?!

Bruh, this is why I mentioned FOUR CARDS and not just three.

For just FIVE DEC, you can get MUSHROOM SEER. TWO Magic damage? For just FIVE COST? And SILENCE? That lowers your opponent’s MAGIC damage by 1? At bronze league where most magic damage dealers only have two? What a PERFECT card to cover our WEAKNESS?


Can you imagine if there’s a MELEE TANK with HIGH HP and VOID ability that further ignores one magic damage?

And that’s where we segway to part two, FREE CARDS to partner with the rentals.


Two Words, UNICORN MUSTANG. Or Void Unicorn, as I endearingly call it during those cold, cold, december nights.


Anyway, like I said, Void Unicorn has Void, an ability that negates 1 MAGIC damage from your opponents further shutting down those pesky Obsidian, and sometimes, Alric SILENCED mages courtesy of Mushroom Seer.

But that’s not all, there’s more!
How about this TWO MANA cost card, FAILED SUMMONER.


It has FOUR HP for just TWO MANA! And with MAGIC REFLECT to boot, it's the perfect second position card to ride your Void Unicorn with the Wood Nymph wrapped around that lanky frame and a MUSHROOM SEER wrapped around her and a tree wrapped around it - okay, I’m getting lost here. Let's back up a bit.

Other cards you might consider adding to your line up are:
Goblin Psychic for Super High Mana Matches. The extra tank heal won't hurt.
Or squeeze in a slim TWO MANA Khmer Princess for the extra oomph.
You can even rent a Sand Worm for just 0.1 DEC for extra power at high mana matches!


You know what, enough describing. Lemme show you some of the matches in PART 3.


(Talk about the match)

Not convinced?
Let me show you another one. Same line-up.


Or how about this one?


And this.


You get the idea.

With this lineup, YOU CAN EASILY BREEZE THROUGH BRONZE even from 0 rating to 1000 in NO TIME! FDA Approved! 100% Guarantee!

Mylor Stack 1.PNG Mylor Stack 2.PNG Mylor Stack 3.PNG

So what did we learn today?
First: Don’t be a cheapo. Spend 11 DEC, that’s NOTHING, to rent FOUR CARD.
Mylor - Wood Nymph - Mushroom Seer and EARTH ELEMENTAL.

Second: Use the FREE Cards at your disposal.
Void Unicorn, Goblin Psychic, Failed Summoner. Heck even KHMER PRINCESS and those ONE MANA COST bodies can win you the game by just taking a hit.

And last but not the list, POSITIONING. Void Unicorn first, Earth Elemental at the back. That sort of stuff.

Come back to this post if you wanna reference the games I showed as LINE UP examples.
Or comment if you want more SAMPLES. I’ll reply with more links.

It’s not like I’m busy or anything.

Anyway, that’s it from me for today. I’m still CHEV. If you enjoyed it, FEEL FREE to COMMENT and LIKE for more content like this. OR Whatever. GO AWAY NOW.


PS: My ign is @quickdrawchev. Not that you'd it of course. But just incase. Okay, GO AWAY NOW PLS.

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