Battle Mage Secrets: Silenced Summoners by @nozem01

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Hello everyone! I hope you all are having a good weekend, normally the Batlle Mage Secrets post is launched on Thursday but it was a bit delayed so I'm writing this in the weekend for a change 😊.
If you want to know how you can participate in the challenge yourself, you can find the Splinterlands post here.

This weeks challenge is about the Silenced Summoners ruleset, so only the summoner level and mana value counts.

Summoners do not give any buffs/debuffs or grant/use abilities.
Use your lowest cost and highest level summoner within this ruleset.

For this week I'm sharing my battle I had yesterday, a Silenced Summoners only battle with a relatively low mana cap of 21, the Water and Dragons splinters are locked out. On low mana I normally pick Lorna Shine, but my General Sloan is higher level so I spent the extra 1 mana for the higher level cards.

I didn't have a good idea what my opponent was going to play so I made a team that had some speed to counter slow fire monsters and spell reflect to counter magic monsters, sometimes it's better to counter your opponent but in this case where I didn't knew what to expect, I just made my best team.

First look at the battlefield:


O wow, Waka Spiritblade! a $275 card in this bear market, my opponent picked this because it's only 3 mana and max level for my league, I don't see this summoner very often in Silver, nice!
With that being said, he made a nice team but without knowing, I made a perfect counter to his team 😁 his backline will get deleted fast with my sneak team.

My Line-Up:

  • Summoner: General Sloan - reason: only because I own a max level for my league and my 3 mana summoners are lower.
  • First position: Blinding Reflector - reason: low mana, protection against magic with spell reflect.
  • Second position: Pelacor Conjurer - reason: it's speed is great to dodge slow monsters and more magic protection with spell reflect.
  • Third position: Soul Fiend - reason: just a 0 mana filler.
  • Fourth position: Stitch Leech - reason: Great low mana sneaker with good damage.
  • Fifth position: Uraeus - reason: Another nice low mana sneaker with ok damage.
  • Sixth position: Dumacke Exile - reason: Great sneaker, good damage, fast with some armor to protect my backline.

The Battle:


Round 1: In the first round the first kill was made already, Xenith Archer died, my tank lost all of his armor but that's ok...


Round 2: My tank died, but as long as my sneak team survives I will be fine, Ravenhood Warden got killed on the other team so no more annoying protect to get trough.


Round 3: The last of the backline archers died, and the funny thing is, the martyr card that was supposed to die and boost Cursed Windeku is still alive 😂.


Round 4: Stitch leech got killed by the thorns, but Cursed Windeku is gone now too, all what's left is a martyr card that wasn't used and is unable to fire 😋.


In round 5 the battle ended with a solid win, 1.285 SPS is pretty nice for Silver, this is because of 4 Gold Foil cards, my focus was Death so no extra points for that.

That's already it for this week! Please check out my Social Media Challenge post too, where I'm building a Modern Bronze deck to guide starting players with a base list so they can see what cards to upgrade.

Have a great weekend everyone, relax a little, good luck in your battles, brawls and tournaments, and of course, have fun!

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Thank you for reading!!!

If you haven't made an account already, please consider using my referral link to sign up, I'll happily send the amount I get for your signup back to you in DEC or SPS to help you start.

Have a great day!

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Sources: For my thumbnail I used a background from @golemoverlord, when you're not playing this game as a splinterlands player, you're missing out!
I made a post with more info about Golem Overlord here.

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