Golem Overlord: Cool game, nice earnings!


Today I want to share this to other players inside and outside the Hive community.

Golem Overlord (GO) is made by Splex.GG on the Hive blockchain, and is played by a lot of Splinterlands players because it's on the same blockchain, and they already have 1 or more hive accounts.
It's game you only need to login for 2 or 3 times a day for 5 minutes, claim your earnings, maybe attack other players, expand you base, and log out again.
You can claim your earnings every 8 hours, I only claim twice a day so I try to time my claims around 12 hours to make both earning windows a bit the same.

There are 2 tokens to earn on GO, PART and SHARD, we earn parts by time, and when claiming we have a chance to find a shard, which happens once a day on average for me at this point.

I made a post about Golem Overlord before, when the game just started, a lot has changed since then, more updates and PART prices have dropped a lot since then, but even now the earnings are not bad at all!

What do I need to start playing?

If you don't already have one, you need a hive account, you can create one here.
Besides a hive account, you also need to purchase the golemancer staff which cost 30 hive at this moment or $9. (1 Hive is currently trading at $0.33)
When you sign up on Golem Overlord using my referral link I'll get 2 hive from that, and I can see you used my link so I'll send 1 hive back to you so we both benefit.


The game is still in Alpha, meaning it's being developed and adjusted a lot, in my opinion it's already a cool game, it reminds me a little about the text games from 20 years ago I played, but now with earnings!
This is how the game looked when I made my first post:


And how it looks now:


On the top left you see your base, you can upgrade various things in the base, a clear description is given when you over it, making it easy to start.


On the bottom left there's the action log, it tells you if players have attacked you and stolen your earned unclaimed parts. Parts you've claimed can't be stolen anymore 😊.

So, on your base you have different items you can upgrade:

  • Scavenger Golems: How much golems you have scavenging for you, the more you have, the more PART you earn.


  • Power: This is your attack power, with more power you have a better chance your attacks will succeed. For successful attacks, you steal PARTS, but if you fail, you need to repair your golems with PARTS so you will lose some!.

  • Fortification: This is your defence power against other players attacking you.

  • Golem Charging Station: This determines the maximum amount of golems you can have, it also gives a slight boost when you claim parts.

  • Faith: This determines the maximum amount you steal on successful attacks, and also determines your maximum SHARD finding chance.

  • Banked: This is to stake your parts, by banking you upgrade how much PART you can hold before claiming, so when you grow your base and start earning more parts, you need to stake them or you will hit the maximum amount and miss out on earning more.

My Strategy

My strategy changed since I started playing, before, I didn't bother attacking because I failed a lot too and I only got 0.5 - 1 PART every attack run, not worth the effort in my opinion. To prevent other players attacking me, I focuses on upgrading my fortification.
When my base grew I found out I could attack players with 100% success rate, so that's what I've been doing last weeks.


My earnings

You have to use 80% of the PART you earn and put it back in to the game, if you sell more, your earnings will be diminishing, so I'm selling PART tokens 2-3 times a week now, last time I sold was yesterday:


I got about 4 HIVE for it, which was just over $1.30
I use the money I earn with Golem Overlord to buy Splinterlands Chaos Legion packs, hoping to pull some nice cards!

Well that's it for now! Let me know if you're going to start playing and please consider using my referral link so you're getting back 1 HIVE.


Thank you for reading and I hope to see you again on my blogs 🖐

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