Beginner guides to Splinterlands Chaos Legion Summoners

This is a data driven guide to the starting Chaos Legion summoners. The guide includes statistics on which summoner is the best at each mana, how each one does for every ruleset, and how they match up against each other. Based on the data in this guide, you should have a very good idea on which summoner to pick for your match.

In this post, we summarize and combine data from each of the Chaos Legion summoner beginner guides we have posted over the last weeks. This provides a comprehensive guide on which summoner to pick for your match. The guides for each individual summoner can be found here:
Beginners guide - Kelya Frendul
Beginners guide - Obsidian
Beginners guide - Thaddius Brood
Beginners guide - Tarsa
Beginners guide - General Sloan

The numbers in this guide might deviate slightly from those presented in the earlier guides. The reason is that the current guide uses a larger dataset, since there has been more time to collect data. We expect deviations mainly from the numbers in the earliest guides. The dataset used in this post includes 4.3 million matches with the Chaos summoners in Silver League.

When you start a battle in Splinterlands you are presented with all the info about your upcoming battle in a screen like this:
The colored boxes indicate the fields where the most relevant information can be found.

  • In the red box, you can see which elements are available for this match. You should use this field to plan which types of matchups you might encounter. There are counter-matchups to learn in Splinterlands, and the element avaiability can be used to identify which summoners have the fewest counterspicks available.
  • In the pink box, you can see your opponent's last five matches. You should hover each one to see what they have played recently. Sometimes, you will notice that they primarily play one element (maybe their daily quest is a fire quest?), and you can also identify powerful cards here.
  • In the blue box, you have the mana limit for the match. This is the simplest piece of information here, but very important.
  • In the green box, the ruleset for the current match is indicated. You should learn the icons and what they mean so that you dont have to wonder how the match is modified.
  • There is a final source of information available to you, but it is invisible when you find yourself with the screen above. That is your own recent match history. Try to remember your last five matches if you can. Look them over briefly before you search.

---A crafty and dedicated player might also manipulate their own visible history through practice matches. We have no idea if this is common practice or not.---

The trick to Splinterlands is combining all this information with your knowledge of your deck to make the optimal summoner choice for your match. Next, you will have to construct the team, but very often the match is decided before you press the "CREATE TEAM" button.

How should you best use this information? Well, up to and including Silver League, this guide will give you the data you need to best use each of these pieces of information.

We will cover which summoner to pick at which mana (use with the number in the blue box), which summoners are best for each rule (use with the rules indicated in the green box), and how they match up against each other (use with info in the red and pink boxes).

Win rates for different mana limits


The chart above shows the win rates of the five free-to-play Chaos Legion summoners for all mana levels.

At the lowest mana (12), Thaddius Brood has his very best performance, closely followed by Obsidian. Tarsa is also pretty decent. Up to 15 mana, these three compete for first place.

Between 16 and 22 mana, Tarsa outperforms the other summoeners by quite a margin. At these levels, she can efficiently utilize Serpentine Spy and Tenyii Striker (also Living Lava in some cases) to quickly take down her opponent.

Also at 16 mana and above, Thaddius Brood starts to fall off, and gets progressively worse as mana increases. This continues up to the three highest mana ranges, where he sees a slight increase.

Kelya Frendul becomes playable at 15 mana. Above that she holds her ground solidly, but is never the best summoner. Between 22 and 26 mana, there is fierce competition between Obsidian, Tarsa and Kelya for first place. All three do quite well, and the best one will be decided by the ruleset.

Above 26 mana, Obsidian dominates. Her winrate outshines the others by a good margin. This same range is where poor General Sloan does her best, but she has only a single mana limit where she has positive win rate. 26 mana is the optimal level for her (see the Sloan guide for further discussion).

After 30 mana, Tarsa starts to drop off, and does so quite sharply as mana increases from 30 to 40. This is because her key cards become obsolete as they have to compete against higher mana cost cards.

Win rates in different rules

The table below shows the win rate of the summoners in every ruleset. For each rule, the best summoner will be indicated by a 🔥.

---Rule--- Tarsa Kelya Frendul Obsidian General Sloan Thaddius Brood
Aim True0.53 🔥 0.460.480.520.46
Armored Up0.460.43 0.55 🔥 0.440.49
Back to Basics0.400.500.58 🔥 0.450.49
Broken Arrows0.470.480.52 🔥 0.200.48
Close Range0.480.50 🔥 0.50 🔥 0.490.46
Earthquake0.420.460.54 🔥 0.350.45
Equal Opportunity0.52 🔥 0.510.490.450.44
Equalizer0.530.440.55 🔥 0.530.42
Even Stevens0.360.53 🔥 0.490.530.43
Explosive Weaponry0.470.54 🔥 0.480.470.47
Fog of War0.450.500.55 🔥 0.470.42
Healed Out0.490.50 🔥 0.50 🔥 0.460.48
Heavy Hitters0.480.500.51 🔥 0.470.47
Holy Protection0.450.460.54 🔥 0.480.48
Keep Your Distance0.380.460.55 🔥 0.450.51
Little League0.55 🔥 0.500.480.450.50
Lost Legendaries0.480.500.52 🔥 0.470.48
Lost Magic0.500.54 🔥 0.190.500.43
Melee Mayhem0.51 🔥 0.480.500.440.46
Noxious Fumes0.520.490.470.320.55 🔥
Odd Ones Out0.54 🔥 0.510.520.330.46
Reverse Speed0.56 🔥 0.330.510.530.44
Rise of the Commons0.490.490.53 🔥 0.470.48
Silenced Summoners0.430.460.48 🔥 0.430.44
Spreading Fury0.480.510.53 🔥 0.410.46
Stampede0.490.490.51 🔥 0.460.46
Standard0.460.52 🔥 0.510.440.50
Super Sneak0.54 🔥 0.480.480.430.46
Taking Sides0.460.500.52 🔥 0.450.46
Target Practice0.500.51 🔥 0.500.470.46
Unprotected0.51 🔥 0.390.51 🔥 0.420.54
Up Close & Personal0.53 🔥 0.500.250.190.44
Weak Magic0.480.52 🔥 0.490.500.43

Summoner vs. Summoner stats 🧱📄✂️

The table below shows the overall winrate in each matchup. Each ROW in the table is the chance of the summoner in the leftmost column to win against the summoners specified at top of each COLUMN. So the first entry shows that Tarsa wins 37% of the time against Kelya Frendul. Entries above 50% win rate are marked by 🔥.

Tarsa Kelya Frendul Obsidian General Sloan Thaddius Brood
Tarsa 0.37 0.46 0.48 0.65 🔥
Kelya Frendul 0.63 🔥 0.29 0.63 🔥 0.61 🔥
Obsidian 0.54 🔥 0.71🔥 0.60 🔥 0.27
General Sloan 0.52 🔥 0.37 0.4 0.62 🔥
Thaddius Brood 0.35 0.39 0.73 🔥 0.38

Some takeaways

  • Tarsa struggles against Kelya, crushes Thaddius
  • Kelya Frendul stomps Tarsa and General Sloan, struggles against Obsidian
  • General Sloan has a good matchup against Tarsa, and very good against Thaddius Brood
  • Thaddius Brood should only be played against Obsidian
  • Obsidian wins against everything apart from Thaddius Brood.

Closing Remarks

This guide covers how to choose which Chaos Legion summoner you should choose for Splinterlands matches up to and including Silver League. The guide is based on match statistics sampled since the launch of Chaos Legion. At the time of writing, the dataset includes 4.300.000 matches with Chaos Legion summoners. The numbers in this guide is representative of the state of the game when the guide was written. Over time, the game might change, new strategies will evolve etc.

Let us know if this guide has helped you, and if you have any other comments or suggestions please let us know.

Please also check out our other content:

Beginner Guides
Beginners guide - Kelya Frendul
Beginners guide - Obsidian
Beginners guide - Thaddius Brood
Beginners guide - Tarsa
Beginners guide - General Sloan

Summoner and Card statistics
Best Legendary Cards of Chaos Legion - Week 1 statistics
Chaos summoners - Week 1 statistics

Rule set strategies
We are also creating guides for specific rules. You can find them here:
Strategycorner with Mammuter #5: How to WIN in Reverse Speed
Strategycorner with Mammuter #4: How to WIN in Melee Mayhem
Strategycorner with Mammuter #3: Noxious Fumes

If you would like to see more of this content, please let me know, like and share the post. Also, if you have not yet started playing Splinterlands, you can join and support me and the same time with the following link

Join Splinterlands

Another way to support us is through card delegations or donations. If you want to do that, we are @kalkulus and @mammuter.

Best of luck in Splinterlands!

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