Dealing with NOXIOUS FUMES - Strategycorner with Mammuter #3


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This is the third post in my series on Splinterland strategies where I discuss different rulesets. The first posts are available here:

Strategycorner with Mammuter #1 - Ruleset Super Sneak
Strategycorner with Mammuter #2 - Ruleset Earthquake, and a GRADING SYSTEM for splinters

Here I will cover the rule Noxious fumes. To describe how good a particular summoner is for the ruleset, I will be using the grading system for Splinters that was introduced in the previous posts: Strategycorner with Mammuter #2.

Noxious Fumes


In the Noxious Fumes ruleset, poison gas will eat away at your monsters health. The damage is dealt in the same way as magic damage at the end of each round (but note that the void armour ability does not work against it). This means that the fumes directly damages health, ignoring any armour a monster has. This also means that a card with 2 health will always die at the end of the first turn, unless it is able to gain hp through an ability, or the team is able to win in the first round (good luck).

Here is an example of a catastrophic team setup for the ruleset:


While the team shown above could be used to rush the opponent with fast damage, the entire backline of monsters (Serpentine spy, Kobold Miner and Spark Pixies) has below two health, and therefore 3 out of 4 monsters will die at the end of the first turn.

Protecting your splinters against Noxious Fumes

Some cards really shine in this ruleset. In particular, I have found that cards with the scavenger ability profit profoundly from it. This is because low health cards, which are often used as supportive roles, are eliminated early by the Noxious Fumes, starting with the cards with less than 2 health at the end of the first round. This rapidly leads to increased health on scavenger cards.

Some examples of cards with the scavenger ability that can be rented for low prices at the time of writing are:

For an example of a battle that was won purely due to the scavenging ability see the Battle examples section.

Another strategy to deal with the fumes is to use cards that have the immunity ability. In the upper silver and lower gold league Almo Cambio commonly appears.

Almo can win a battle alone simply because other cards will die by the fumes before they are able to kill him. One can think of it like Almo having a magic attack of two and hitting all when he is the only one standing.

Unfortunately, the immunity ability is quite rare. The following shows the full list of all cards that has it:


Grading system

Here is a quick recap of the grading system that was introduced in the previous post. It is a 15 - scale grading system with letters ranging from A to E. The grades are based on my personal analyses of the win rates of teams that contain the summoner or splinter in the ruleset my posts are about.



Here A+ is the best possible score (corresponding to the big Mammoth) and will only be given to the cards that are the top tier for the rulesets (given the league we are analysing).


Here is a figure of the win rates of different summoners under the Noxious Fumes ruleset. Summoners that were used in less than five matches were not included in this analysis. One important thing to note here is the summoners' names above the 50% win rate line (dashed line in green). These summoners win more than they lose in Noxious Fumes.


For this analysis, we looked at a random dataset of 5000 matches with the ruleset Noxious Fumes.
The Llama comes out on top. This is sensible since he is often played with monsters that have high health and good regeneration. However, the performance of the free-to-play summoners is hidden behind all the legendary summoners in the plot. Here is a figure excluding the legendary summoners:


And lastly, this is how often the different summoners are played:


Conclusion: Alric is still popular, but Zintar, Bortus, Mother Khala, Lyanna and Malric is also played a lot. It is somewhat surprising that Malric is chosen often for this ruleset because he seems to perform poorly in it.

Summoner grades

Based on the second figure (which excludes legendary summoners), the top tier summoners available to most people include Vera Salacia, Brighton Bloom, and Mylor Crowling. However, none of these summoners gives any clear advantage in this ruleset. The fact that they exhibit high win rates may reflect that the players who play them also have a great card collection. What is more clear is that some summoners perform very poorly. Pyre and Tyrus Paladium has the worst win rates of all the summoners I have considered here.

Summoner grade card


Full grade list (excluding legendary summoners)

Summoners Grades
20 Vera Salacia A+
19 Brighton Bloom B+
18 Mylor Crowling B+
17 Bortus B
16 Drake of Arnak B
15 Daria Dragonscale B
14 Kretch Tallevor B-
13 Lyanna Natura C+
12 Qid Yuff C+
11 Delwyn Dragonscale C+
10 Lorna Shine C+
9 Zintar Mortalis C
8 Owster Rotwell C
7 Mother Khala C
6 Wizard of Eastwood C-
5 Malric Inferno D+
4 Alric Stormbringer D+
3 Contessa L'ament D-
2 Tyrus Paladium E+
1 Pyre -E

Full grade list (including legendary summoners)

Summoners Grades
30 Scarred Llama Mage A+
29 Byzantine Kitty A-
28 Crypt Mancer B-
27 Yodin Zaku B-
26 Chanseus the Great B-
25 Vera Salacia C+
24 Selenia Sky C+
23 Mimosa Nightshade C+
22 Brighton Bloom C-
21 Mylor Crowling C-
20 Camila Sungazer C-
19 Bortus C-
18 Drake of Arnak C-
17 Daria Dragonscale C-
16 Plado Emberstorm C-
15 Lir Deepswimmer D+
14 Kretch Tallevor D+
13 Lyanna Natura D+
12 Qid Yuff D+
11 Delwyn Dragonscale D+
10 Lorna Shine D
9 Zintar Mortalis D
8 Owster Rotwell D
7 Mother Khala D
6 Wizard of Eastwood D
5 Malric Inferno D-
4 Alric Stormbringer D-
3 Contessa L'ament E
2 Tyrus Paladium E
1 Pyre -E

Battle examples


Seedsmith and Gelatinous cube crushing it

In this battle, the scavenger ability really gets to shine. There are multiple low health cards that quickly die due to the Noxious Fumes.

Closing remarks

I hope this post provides some insight into what the ruleset Noxious Fumes is all about! :)

Credits to @Kalkulus for helping me make this post. Follow him for similar content to this coming up.

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Until next time,


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