BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge! Holy Protection


Holy Protection


All units gain the Divine Shield ability which reduces the damage of the first attack received to 0.

My Battle:

Battle Link: Click Here to see the Battle

Others Rulesets and Battle Conditions:

Reverse Speed: Monsters with the lowest speed attack first.

Up to Eleven: All Monsters have the Amplify ability.

Splinters Allowed: Fire, Water, Life , Death , Dragon.

Max Mana: 46

My Team:

Summoner: Level 6 General Sloan

Level 3 Legionnaire Alvar

My tank, Good against magic and reduce melee damage, very slow so is good for this ruleset also an excellent target for resurrection thanks to his Void Armor.

Level 3 Drybone Raider

Secondary tank, very slow as well.

Level 2 Adelade Brightwing

Third position, her Resurrection ability is pretty good for this ruleset and for my tank, also her repair ability will help my first 2 units to survive several more attacks.

Level 4 Elven Mystic

This was the hero of the battle, on level 4 it have the Silence ability that reduce magic damage of the enemies and my opponent goes almost full magic.

Level 6 Xenith Archer

Level 3 Prismologist

A very powerful but slow unit, however on Reverse Speed ruleset she has not outside downs.

Second Round:

Both tanks are still alive on round 2.

Third Round

Both tanks die but mine resurrect thanks to Adelade ability.

Four Round

Five and last Round

Last unit for my opponent , my tank die because of the poison.

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