Advaita Vedanta

Will try to explore Advaita philosophy/school of thought here for everyone's benefit. In today's day and age we need to reflect more and more inside than outside for real meaning. Also we will try to keep it as simple and straight as possible so everyone can understand and participate. Even people new to the concept can understand.

So let's start with Basics.

What is Advaita ? and what is Dvaita?

Advait and Dviat in Sanskrit mean Singularity and Duality, but in context of human soul.
So Advaita Believes that the human soul is one with the Source or God or Universe.
Another way to say that is Microcosm = Macrocosm.

Dvaita Believes that human soul is different in that the source or god or universe.

So lets reflect on this for the time being. What do you feel are we one with the source/universe god or different.

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