Shifting Into Inner Resonance With Ancient Beauty

... can help drop the stress and rigidities we carry each day. Going within can be a wonderful medicine and it does not take a Guru teacher or any special technique or knowledge.

I am Sienna Lea inceptor of and creator of I work a lot with people on the edge or to be frank more and more often, over the edge. People who are spinning out of control not believing in the infinite beauty of the love that resides in the core of the heart of our Planet and the core of their own heart essence. When people contact that core they get grounded, calm and peaceful knowing where home is. They carry it with them wherever they go through all situations in all timelines and through all relationships. Sadly, that heart core essence that resounds with beauty and the bliss of endless recreation is shut down mostly these days, hiding behind walls of egoic misdirection for a growing majority of people. Left vacant of that connection, millions seek gratification through the instantaneous dopamine burst that so-called smartphones give them. Our attention span is down to seconds and our ability to listen, give and receive organic delicious connection is more often than not feared and we disassociate from even wanting it.

Are you a person who is alone keeping yourself busy while your heart core essence remains numbed out?

This leaves you vulnerable to manipulation from outside stimulation because the real organic turn on of life is now out of reach. The Matrix of Separation has been designed to keep you just there, forever if you let it. Then it goes on a daily rampage endlessly selling you its version of happiness. Beware! It never satiates leaving you eternally craving more and more and more of what will only harm you and shuts you down further.

We have become slaves of consumption and we do not even notice the next rollout of the toxic overlay designed to keep us as a half robot machine in an ever increasing landscape of technology. Technology can be used for good but in our current predicament, it is not likely to go that way. It would require us to reactivate our humanity and act from our vulnerable heart core essence to prevent the killing and infecting of our brothers, sisters and community with frequencies that cause the brain to go into entropy.

Rise Multiversity together with Living Lessons Library @livinglessons are hosting a series of summits geared to inform you about the 5G smart meter grid roll out. We aim to bring in researchers, wisdom keepers, wayshowers and informed dedicated world servant leaders to help us look at this threat straight up.

If you do not know about the dangerous cancer producing and health-compromising effects this technology creates, then join us. It’s free.

We do everything within a relaxed community of awakening like-minded/hearted souls. We come together to learn, grow and heal. Join our newsletter and get informed with future updates.

Image Credit: Lucas Peiro

In the meantime, listen to this lovely and amazingly uplifting music. It has ancient roots from a people that were Source and Gaia connected a very long time ago. Let their connection inform your cells of your birthright to live free, be filled with bliss and possibility and unfold your own unique gifts and purpose.

"Omnia is a self-described "neoceltic pagan folk" band based in The Netherlands and whose members over the years have had Irish, Dutch, Cornish, Belgian and Persian backgrounds. Their music takes on the form of various cultural routes, from places around the world such as Ireland, England, Cornwall and Persia. They sing in English, Irish, Breton, Finnish, German, Dutch, Swedish, Latin and Hindi and play Celtic harp, mouth harp, hurdy gurdy, bodhrán, guitar, bouzouki, didgeridoo, flutes of all kinds, bagpipes, various drums and percussion instruments."

With respect and appreciation,

~ Sienna Lea
~ The 5G Summit Team

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