Wounds of Saint Francis, objectification of Christ's

The place of stigmata, La Verna Sanctuary, 06/09/2019

Here is the place where saint Francis received the stigmata, five wounds of Christ. It is impossible to believe this kind of event from a rational point of view, but many monks in various spiritual background still believe that it is possible and try to cultivate to fulfill enlightenment. Off course, Stigmata itself is not a purpose. It should be thought as the index of its stage.


While praying on the mountain-side he received (on or about 14 September) the stigmata. After seeing a vision of a seraphim he began to develop nails of hardened flesh which protruded from his hands and feet. He also began to form a wound in his side like that of Christ. Thus La Verna came to be seen as sacred ground.La Verna

There is an interesting philosophical term, objectification(Verge genständlichung) regarding this. I find theoretical clues to this achievement in the concept of samatha and vipassana and consider the stigmata of Saint Francis is the objectification of Christ's through Samatha.

In Hegel's dialectical three-step process (thesis-antithesis synthesis), the spirit is objectified in the second step by confronting the products of its intellectual activity in the form of finished shapes. Being-for-itself creates an external existence (alienation ), whereby it at the same time divides and alienates itself from itself. Karl Marx criticizes this model for the fact that it regards human activity in a purely abstract way as an activity of the mind, but not as a concrete activity or work . In contrast to Hegel's idealism, Marx, in his concept of dialectical materialism, conceives objectification as a socio-historical activity of man, as “ objectified work ”. He distinguishes between the mere objectification of social labor activity (which is both inescapable and positive) and its alienation through capitalist relations of production. Objectification in Hegel and Marx

It is easy to transform the objective material world with human knowledge, but generally think that it is impossible to transform one's own body by itself. However, it is yoga that makes it a reality through practice. In the West, ancient alchemists probably made this attempt, and only a few unknowns might have achieved similar miraculous event. Believe or Not.


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