Kundalini chakra and Veda.

First i would encourage to read the other post about metaphysics, to have more in depth overview of the basic concepts developped in this post.




Kundalini is a term in veda that mean coiled.

In term of metaphysics, it has to be understood as a spring containing potential energy when in its compressed form, and this energy getting released as the spring unfold.


The motion equation of the spring is the same than equation of gravity in the newton motion law developped in the previous post.

The coiled spring or kundalini in its dormant state contain energy in a potential form.

In the veda energy in dormant form as potential is termed siva, when the force become manifested as an active process it's called shakti.

It's related to the concept of 'Purusha' or siva as masculine static form of the energy, and 'Prakruti' or shakti when this static potential become actively manifested.


Shakti is the equivalent of energy in the active form, when the potential become manifested.

It's associated with feminine aspect of energy, like a mother giving birth to a child is the manifestation of potential when it's united with the masculine energy.

Kundalini becoming active is awakening the dormant forces 'coiled' in the root chakra, for one to realize its full potential as a living being.


Siva is the equivalent of energy in it's static, dormant state, related to purusha as supreme consciousness.

Splendid and without a bodily form is this Purusa, without and within, unborn, without life breath and without mind, higher than the supreme element. From him are born life breath and mind. He is the soul of all beings.
— Munduka Upanishad



According to the veda, the life energy manifest in different stages, as kundalini become active as kundalini-shakti, and rise through the spine, activating the differents chakras in the process.

Chakra are often represented as spinning wheels, when they are inactive or blocked, they exist in their latent form, or potential, and are immobile or moving slowly, when they are active, they are spining, and their potential start to manifest as living skati in the person energy.

They are also associated with glands and endocrinian system, as center of intelligence and center of potential for living beings.

Meditation based on chakra often involve feeling those chakra as spining in the body, as focusing attention on this specific part of the body, in order to stimulate the corresponding gland and activate them.

Root chakra


The first and probably more important chakra is called root chakra.

It's related to survival instinct, and is the form of energy manifested through all form of life. it can be said it's the smallest common denominator that connect all life together.

It's located at the tail bone, and related to adrenal gland.

In it's dormant , masculine, unmanifested form, kundalini is told to be coiled in the first chakra. In that form, the root chakra is then the static or masculine form of energy.

It can be seen as the sun being the static center of the solar system, or the core of atoms.

It's potential energy then give rise to motion as the planets and electrons revolving around it being the manifested or 'shakti' energy steming from it. The sun remain static and immobile, giving rise to motion in the solar system due to the potential it create.

All the more refined development of vital energy stem from the need of survival. It's roughtly equivalent to the freudian IT, or the very base of jung 'animus', as the unmanifested base of all life energy.

As this energy become uncoiled, or manifested, it activate or manifest throught the highers chakra and act as a transformative, evolutive force in the being.

Sacral Chakra


The sacral chakra is the first 'true' chakra, the first one that can manifest in one's consciousness, and represent the most basic form of conscious activity.

It's located half way between the tail bone and navel.

It's concerned with the need of integrating as a social person in the environment , and related to following of social codes, trading, sexuality, physical sensations, and social status.

A person driven by sacral chakra will be most likely very conservative, concerned with direct material benefits and loss associated with his behavior.

It's also related to physical health, bodily sensation, addictions.

Healing this chakra will often have to do with beeing 'down to earth', seing what one's gain or loose through interaction with other persons, and rise the need to follow code of conduct in order to have predictible material outcomes out of actions.

Underactive sacral chakra will often be seen as lack of motivation to gain things, confusing professional status, lack of profitable vocation, lack of engagement in sexual relationship.

Solar chakra


The solar chakra is related to individuation of will power, expression of one's true self, realisation of individual power.

It's roughtly equivalent to the freudian ego.

It's located in the solar plexus.

It manifest as will power to be a social leader, and realisation of power as leadership, charisma, as litterally 'shining through the world', transcending rules to become more unique as a person.

It's the chakra that contain the more energy as manifestation in the material realm, as the source of motivation, creative realisation, and the source of our power of affect the world.

Healing this chakra has to do with healing shame, power abuse, and resolving one conflicts with social circle in order to become more appreciated beyond pure material exchange, as starting to exist as a persons of its own, rather than living through others rules.

Underactive solar chakra translate as feeling of shame, low self esteem, lack of confidence.

A person with this chakra active will most likely be socially active, artist, actors, and 'always on the go'.

Hearth chakra


It can be told that chakra are sorted into two parts, the three first chakras being concerned with material existence, hearth being in the middle, and the three chakra above it concerned with mental and spiritual existence.

It's located in the chest, and related with the thymus.

Hearth is the transmutting point, it's concerned with 'living in the now', appreciation of our immediate environment, universal acceptance, releasing of karma bondage.

It is a cooling force from the third chakra, leading to stepping back from action, appreciation, self reflection and aspiration at a deeper level.

It's often referred to as the center of processing of one's emotions, the place where emotions will become resolved.

Healing the hearth chakra has to do with forgiving, acceptation, releasing of pain from the past. Activation of this chakra can be referred as becoming 'unhurt', being able to live full in the now, appreciating things how they are and moving forward within the flow of things.

A person with active hearth chakra can be seen as 'light hearthed', easy going, happy, unconditionally loving, non judgmental.

When this chakra is underactive is when one feel grieving, not feeling at the right place, lacking something untangible, sad or heavy.

throat chakra


Throat chakra is the first of the 'mental' or 'spiritual chakra'.

It's located in the throat, and related to thyroid gland.

It's concerned with clear discernement, finding the rights words to describe things, and is completely cold.

It can be seen as the lower form of the mental, ability to describe things accurately, speak clearly, clear manifestation of idea as words, and eloquence as in speaking the truth, rather than charisma of the solar chakra.

Healing this chakra has to do with working on concentration, focus, mental work, and oral expression.

When this chakra is underactive is when one will find trouble to express himself clearly, lack of clarity in idea and thought, lack of objectivity.

A person who has this chakra active will be very well spoken, and his words will be listened as reflection of being truth speaker, even if being hurtful or looking uncaring or cold.

Third eye


The third eye is the center of creative mental faculties, the abilities for one to become enlightened, as perceiving the unity in all things, and the divine energy present in all things.

It's located at the middle of the skull, related to the pineal gland.

It's represented with two petals, representing light entering darkness.

It's the capacity of intuition, comprehension, creative imagination, and higher mental process, related to understanding of philosophy, or spiritual matters, the capacity to see the invisible, to perceive all layers of reality.

It's called also the gate to inner temple.

Healing this chakra goes through focusing on spiritual realm, stimulating imagination, meditation.

When this chakra is underactive, it will lead to lack of comprehension, schizophrenia, not being in touch with reality, lack of reasoning, delusions.

A person with active third eye will be like a shaman, being able to pierce the veils of reality, connected to the world of spirits and the higher realm of spirituality, in tune with the immaterial and the unseen.

Crown chakra


The crown chakra is called the thousand petals lotus, and is seen as the realisation of bliss, nirvana, or enlightenment.

It is located at the top of the head, and related to the pituary gland.

It's said to activate when kundalini is fully manifested in all the chakras and lead to feeling of fullfillment, eternal bliss, and full realisation of one's potential.

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