My Black Aura - Story Time

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For this story we have to go a little bit back in time. I was 15 years old and still in high school. Life was great until a lot of people close to me got depressed.

I became really sad and I didn’t want to talk about it because I was too ashamed. I always thought there were people, somewhere on this planet, who had it worse than me but after a while word came out and I started talking to my parents. It helped me a lot but my mother was still a bit concerned although I thought that I had healed myself completely.

My mom was always really into Reiki and she said that I should get a treatment. Reiki is a Japanese technique that encourages emotional or physical healing.

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Anyway, I told this lovely lady what I had dealt with the last couple of months but that I was okay now. She was really understanding and we began the treatment. Before I knew it I was crying and I couldn’t stop. I thought I was okay? What was happening? I was trying to fight of the tears because I felt embarrassed. But whatever I tried, nothing worked.

After the treatment she told me that I had a black aura. Black auras indicate you're holding on to negative feelings. Often, people just need time to move on and recover from the negative feelings that are causing the black aura. The lady gave me some advise on how to heal myself and we made a follow up appointment.

Couple of days / weeks later (I don’t know exactly, this was a long time ago) I came back for my follow up appointment. She told me that my aura had gained back some colour and the black was slowly starting to disappear.

Now I was young at that time and I wasn’t into spirituality at all but I recently did some research about why people start crying during Reiki and I found an article which stated this:

“A common cause of tears is a release of an emotional block, especially related to a loss. Many people are uncomfortable expressing feelings of grief and loss. They may have been told it is time to “get over it and move on” when a loved one dies, a marriage ends in divorce, or a cherished job was lost. The feelings are still there, but to uphold an appearance of strength, the person fights against expressing the emotions. These emotions stay inside, festering into emotional blocks and possibly causing physical problems. The healing energies of Reiki can release these blocks, and the tears come.

We welcome these tears and know they are a sign that some type of healing has occurred for a client.”

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I was suppressing all these emotions for such a long time and Reiki finally healed me. I would really recommend getting a treatment yourself just to relax and strengthen your well-being.

Follow me @bynaomi

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