
3 psychic protection steps to feel safe

My interest in psychic protection started after a series of life events that led me to become more energy sensitive.

In those times I often begin to feel discomfort or lack of energy, especially when in large crowds, or in certain places, or in the presence of inauthentic and hostile people.

What I learned about psychic protection helps me to deal with and overcome those situations. I began to incorporate psychic protection techniques into my daily life with great success. I was able again to endure draining conversations, and every day mundane chaos.

It became obvious to me that I needed to invoke protective energies to keep me well and safe, especially when conducting spiritual and psychotherapeutic work with others going through life challenging events, crisis and traumas.

I also began to notice that sometimes the technique that I was using then was not 100% effective in all cases, still leaving me sometimes drained. That made me think and meditate on what was doing wrong or missing in my approach (I was using a mix of grounding and bubble of light).


Then it was clear to me what I should be doing for the Psychic Protection to work 100% all the time: I should include a first cleansing step to the process.

Below you will find the full Psychic Protection process.

A 3 Step Process

I am going to show my 3 Psychic Protection Steps to Feel Safe. This process enables you to create a protective armor of light around you that TRULY works.

I created this process based on morning routines like shower, breakfast and intention. When you shower you cleanse, you get rid of all the dirt; when you have breakfast, you energize yourself, you enhance your energy levels; and when you set your intentions for the day, you protect yourself from distractions, it locks all your vitality to attain important goals of the day.

1 – Cleanse

Psychic hygiene is as important as physical one. In order for you to feel psychic safe and protected you need to completely cleanse all the energy remains that no longer serve you.

You can discard anything that is attached or hooked on to you, either from previous challenging interaction with others, places you visited, or a specific person.

cleanse energize protect

How to Cleanse:

1.1 – Visualization. You can do this as a stand alone or while you shower. I prefer doing it while I shower.

Close your eyes and imagine that the water pouring over you is a high energy silvery cleansing water coming from far above where you are.

Imagine the high energy silvery water touches your skin and removes all the energies that are attached to you without your consent, and dragging them down to Mother Earth to be recycled and transformed.

1.2 – If you still need some extra cleansing don't be shy and call for the help of some heavyweight archetypes.

For people that are into Angels ask for the help of Archangel St. Michael (or other Angels that you see fit for the job). If you are into Shamanism, ask for the help of your personal power animals.

You have to ask your helper to cut any energetic cords that are attached to you and are blocking you to move forward. Imagine your preferred helper performing the cutting all around you, and when it is finished show some gratitude by saying thank you (feel it when you say it).

In my experience, St. Michael does a very good job, very wise and reliable.

2 – Energize

Energizing is all about powering up your spiritual inner flame; reignite the vitality and goodness that is already within you.

How to Energize:

2.1 – Visualization. You should do this right after the cleansing. Again, you can do this as a stand alone or while you shower.

Close your eyes and imagine that the water pouring over you is a high energy golden water coming from way above where you are.

Imagine the high energy golden water energizes you in and out, at all your levels of being: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Where it touches increase the vibration. Imagine that golden energy being inside you and all around you (notice if you get any sensations or feelings while doing this).

2.2 – You can go further and do the following: affirm you willingness to be in charge and take responsibility for your present existence.

You can use your own words and come up with an affirmation that resonates more with you, or use the one below. If you are going to create your own, make sure that you use the present tense and say it out loud like you mean it, in an epic way. Let your words echo throughout the Universe, and for all sentient beings to bear witness to your inner will and spiritual strength.

My favorite affirmation is simple, powerful, and effective.

Before you say it, let your spiritual Will comes forth, BE PRESENT, lay you right hand on your heart, and rise your left hand, and say out loud:


Pause, and be still for a moment or two. Allow it to sink in, and become part of you. You may even feel some sensations, or feelings in your body. It is ok.

3 – Protect

When I do this step I always remember the words of Capt. Jacques Picard, from Star Trek, when he says: "Shields Up". That is exactly what you are doing when you do protection.

Protection is the creation of a psycho-energetic buffer zone around you in order to keep you safe.

Most people know this last step in the process, but it is useless unless you don't do the two previous ones.

TOP TIP: When you are creating your energetic "shield", I recommend that you imagine it, or visualize it, about one arm's length around your whole body in each direction.

How to Protect:

3.1 – If you are not very comfortable using your visualization skills, or imagination, you can just make a declaration of fact, that there is a spiritual light shield surrounding your whole body, one arm's length.

Visualization: Imagine a spinning bubble of light at one arm's length all over your whole body. I recommend that you pick up a color for the bubble from the following ones: gold, white, light blue, or purple. If your have a particular preference for any another color, by all means try to experiment with it, and please take notes on how you felt, for future personal reference.

3.2 – For further extra protection call up your guardian angel, spirit guides, or power animals, and ask them to help uphold your energetic shield around you. Thank them for being present and protecting you.

This way you have an extra layer of protection keeping you shield energized and strong for a longer period of time.

You can include these 3 Psychic Protection Steps to Feel Safe into the morning rituals that I explain in the article the 9 Morning Rituals Mindful People Do.

EMERGENCY TIP: Some times we do forget to do this processes (me included) and we end up in social situations where we feel tired and drained. Here it goes the tip, just say politely, "Please, excuse for a moment, I really need to go to the bathroom". While in the bathroom you can do my 3 Psychic Protection Steps to Feel Safe, and go back afterwards feeling refreshed, energized, and safe.

Give this routine a try and then let us know how it goes in the comments section below!

By Jaime Grace

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