Manifesting Like It's Second Nature

We have the capacity to birth new and constant desires. And we are born to dream up as big or small experiences we want.

Often, the only thing standing in the way of anything we want is our discord with it.

To recap: Deliberate manifesting can be as easy or hard as we want it to be. If we are aligned with our goals - and sometimes that means being ready spirituality, mentally and emotionally - it is easier to bring it into existence. There is no rule to say whether something will take a week or a day, but the immersion of your goal often brings it to you sooner than you usually ask for.

When you are aligned, you've just magnetized yourself to that experience. Alignment makes us attractive to the things we hold in our mind's eye because it requires letting go and completely trusting.

This short video focuses on the most important piece of the puzzle.

Mega Love.

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