It seems like something unusual! Trip to an indigenous ethnic group in Amazonas-Venezuela / #soycartaleida

It seems like something unusual! Trip to an indigenous ethnic group in Amazonas-Venezuela

In this opportunity I share a very significant content for me, almost two years ago I had the opportunity to attend a mission trip where I had to provide my services as a Bioanalyst (health professional in charge of performing laboratory tests to help diagnose diseases), I confess that I was a little afraid because I did not know what I would face in that place.

I could not waste this moment and leave it alone in my memory, I left a moment in the middle of the work to share with people, and I found this beautiful baby.

It seems like something unusual!

When you are used to exercising your profession in your comfort zone without any danger seems to be normal, but personally I like to go beyond where the need really is and that's how I started this trip, just with a suitcase of instruments and reagents began my mission.

Do you know something? I received a good payment!

Upon arriving at the place I was able to quickly connect with the people of the place, along with a group of health professionals and other areas, we made a great team, between the spectacle of landscapes, trip on the Orinoco river and some danger I understood that we are created to serve. It's what I love to do, it was impressive how in three days of work the people did not stop coming for us to do exams, between parasitosis and the diagnosis of malaria the days passed. The great payment was to see happy faces to be able to receive medicines thanks to the diagnoses that we made, would not change for nothing those days.

Undoubtedly one of the best experiences of my life, I invite you to focus your life on serving others with what you have learned to do. God is my reason for being and all the ideal that I am now pursuing is thanks to the great transformation that he has made in my life, he has changed my regret in dance and thanks to him today I am a motivator and mother of many children who do not wear my Blood is my inspiration, it is a decision to become true agents of change.

and the photo below is called "tasting haha"

After every day of work I expected an act of thanks, if I described the taste I would say that I knew love!

"Each according to the gift he has received, minister it to others, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God." 1 Peter 4:10

Serve with Love not only looking for an economic remuneration, do it for gratitude and for love of your neighbor, every day we can have a gesture of love for someone, thank you for reaching the end of this post, I invite you to comment, vote or share .

Always have good expectations of life and serve others!

"With love, write them @Altruevid"

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