Sonoran Desert Birding

In the United States we have four major deserts, and I got a chance to do some birding in the Sonoran Desert near Tucson, Arizona earlier this month.

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For me this is the most beautiful and scenic of the deserts I've visited, and the Saguaro cacti Carnegiea giganteaare are among the wonders of the area. They take over 100 years to reach their full heights, and are able to survive in the extremely dry environment there. Check out all the woodpecker holes in this giant. Lot's of birds have been born and raised in its cavities I'm sure.

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The birding in S.E. Arizona is legendary for U.S. area birders, and the Cactus wren Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus is among the most vocal, easy to see and wonderful species in the area.

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This individual was feeding right at our feet on a path, but they are more commonly seen singing from the top of a cactus.

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Anogther of my favorite birds in the area is the Green-tailed Towhee Pipilo chlorurus. These are much more difficult to get good looks at as they are usually in dense brush. This one cooperated better than most.

If you get a chance to visit the Tucson area, not pass it up. Birder or not you'll love the natural beauty.

Be sure to listen to the Bird Banter Podcast, and until nest post.
Good birding and good day!

Good birding. G
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