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¿Have you ever thought about this increasing "social" issue?

I can understand that many people, especially young people, are not interested in knowing absolutely anything about very serious things that happen in this world. And look that I know and we have to be aware that we have plenty of serious things in this world. Serious things that we actually should be attentive and aware of.

Since where society's behavior is heading today, it doesn't seem too difficult that these serious things that seem like trends lately across the world, will affect us directly and personally in the very short term. Because again, these are serious things that we have to be well informed and attentive. Like the subject to be discussed today.

As I said before, the world today is full of serious things. And every day more and new ones emerge nonstop. Since it does not seem to be in our power to stop them. Serious things like wars, political corruption, unbridled greed, the persistent destruction of the family and its values... by the same actors that generate wars, political corruption and their unbridled greed, and like these, a long etcetera.

But yeah, perhaps wars, corruption and the general greed by politicians and those who govern us, could be serious things that looks a little out of our control. Although if you think about it, maybe these serious things wouldn't be so out of our control if simply we all came together more for collaboration and not competition.

But well, with this brief prelude. I will leave the topic of serious things out of our control until here and will try to immediately get into the matter of what seems to be "serious things" which are more under our control and that we should all urgently try to solve collectively asap.

It is very likely that the majority of you here, being so young, are not yet suffering from these serious things or are close to suffering from them. But believe me when I tell you that it is also very likely that someone close to you, whom you know well or even someone you love could be suffering of these serious things at this very moment. And if this "social" trend continues the way it is going, don't be surprised if it also hits you when you least expect it. Which is exactly what I'm trying to alert you to.

It is clear to me that I could even write an entire book on this subject. Since it is a subject that matters to me and which I've been observing from much closer than many of those who may read this article. But I have it also very clear and I am aware of the lack of patience that many of you who may have read what I've written so far until here, would want to continue reading my long tirade about this serious thing.

So, I'm gonna abandon the writing just right here and will go immediately to the central point of the subject, closing this post with a final and informative video for your analysis and evaluation on how you could contribute to alleviating or solving this serious problem of epidemic dimensions.

And finally and in addition to the video, I will also leave you with two new concepts, which if you wish to investigate on your own, maybe it also will help you to understand better the seriousness of this problem. For any additional information on the subject, I would suggest that you consult to Shoji Morimoto & Takanobu Nishimoto for some ideas.

«Godoksa - Kodokushi»

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