'Doctors Defeating COVID-19' Post Increased My Site Traffic by 700%

I recently got the most traffic ever to my site, totaling 3,527 visits in a single day (yesterday). It was nuts to see. My highest before was over 1,000. I forget the total number, but it was years ago.

My normal traffic is around 250-400 hits per day. When looking at the referrers, it looks like someone shared the post on Facebook, as I got 2,771 referrals from FB, and 2,988 hits on the 'Doctors Defeating COVID-19' post itself.

I started posting content again to my site last week. And I noticed traffic pick up from the normal visits of content that was nearly 2 years old. Posting to Twitter automatically seems to help as well.

I wanted to find out where the traffic was coming, as in, who shared the article that brought all the eyeballs. I tried to search for my shared post on Facebook, but I only found shares from people I know who shared my Facebook post from my site's account. None of them are super popular as to get 2,771 visits from Facebook. It's a mystery who shared the Facebook link to my post.

If you want to check out the post on Hive, here it is Doctors Defeating COVID-19, No Ventilators, No Deaths, Media Silent. It was the Hive post I got the most comments for in recent weeks.

I'm glad I started to put content back on my site, rather than just on Hive ;) All of my site posts link back to Hive. There are clicks going out to Hive so hopefully some people will come check out Hive too.

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