Smartphone Photography -- City Scenes (in Black and White)

Hello Steemians!

When I first started street photography back in 2015, it was as if I had stumbled upon a world I hadn't realized existed even though those daily streets and the people upon them had always been there. My eyes were open to a new way of seeing and I was excited. The problem was I didn't know how to use a camera. First off, I'm dyslexic and for whatever reason my brain does not understand the basic principles of how a camera works and therefore I have traditionally stayed away from photography. However, I do have a Fine Arts education from both high school and college, so I have a trained eye and understand the concept of composition.

I have a smart phone! And because I do, I was able to start taking photographs when I was never able to do so before. It was very freeing. And fun! It was a great creative outlet, too! Soon after, I became part of online groups sharing mobile photographs and slowly I learned, I got better. I entered international contests such as the one Lensculture puts on every year. Some photos were well received, and much to my surprise I was offered a portfolio space on their site. I was stoked! Still, it's been an experience of what many artists go through; questioning myself, wondering whether or not my photos were actually good. Asking whether or not mobile photography is actually photography at all, many photographers with "real" cameras say it is not, and I respect that. It didn't stop me, however. After all, everyone has to act according to their own hearts and souls. And so I proceeded.

Fast forward to 2018. After being published in online magazines and being nominated for a few mobile photography awards and featured on Instagram hubs, I decided to focus my work on a series rather than just taking random shots. I chose a theme: Moments of Being. Photographs taken in NYC documenting dynamic moments in which a strong personal presence emerges in relation to a distinctive public space. Then I was invited to put my photos into a contest on Instagram which happened to have a similar theme by two excellent mobile photography hubs which have featured my work, bnw_demand and 1415 Mobile Photographers. The theme; Metropolis. How Does the Metropolis Affect Your Life. The contest culminates with a single award, which I don't have much chance winning but I thought I might as well get my work out there. At the same time another Instagram hub and online magazine, Linklens, asked to feature my black and white street photos and I agreed, sending them 8 of the Moments of Being series and I am now awaiting their introduction with excitement. This is the first time more than a single image of mine will be featured to the public!

I guess this is the long way of re-introducing a series I started for Steemit a while back called City Scenes in which either black and white or color photographs I've taken in my hometown of New York City was showcased.

And so, without further ado, I present to you the latest installment of City Scenes for Steemit! the 8 photographs I submitted to Linklens for publication.









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