Me and Paris - Smartphone (Street) Photography Series - 2018

Hellooooooooo Steemians!

I'm back in NYC from my trip to Paris! I hope everyone has been well in the time I've been away. New York, I've found is still waiting for Spring and Paris wasn't that warm either. I bundled up however and went out onto the gorgeous Parisian streets to enjoy the fabulous change of scenery. And while most tourists like me were busy taking pictures of Paris' many main architectural attractions, I was having the time of my life taking street photos. Many of you know, I use my iPhone to take pictures and for street photography there's nothing more discreet and easy to use for this genre of photography than the phone. No one seems to notice me snapping away and because Paris is filled with so characters, I was in photography heaven.

This post is a continuation of a previous series Me in Paris as Paris is a city I'm fortunate enough to be able to visit almost every year to meet my husband's family. Paris is a 'meet in the middle' kind of place for us, and the reunions are quite fun, even if they are with the in-laws. My husband likes to accompany me as I walk about distracting folks from my real intentions by pointing hither and yon which is a great way to get in close! We are a great team. He distracts, I shoot!

So without further ado here is Me and Paris - March 2018










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