😫Why am I so Tired in the Afternoon?

What's going on?

“Having a nap of twenty minutes is also more beneficial than sleeping for an extra twenty minutes in the morning.

Research shows that a nap will temporarily improve mental operations, performance, reaction times and subjective feelings of alertness which can last up to 2 - 3 hours. Human beings are biphasic with two major bodily rhythms that align in such a way that they create a ‘nap zone’, according to Dr Fiona Kerr. A natural dip in body temperature also happens at this time, between 2:00pm and 4:00pm triggers the release of the sleepy hormone, melatonin.

Sit in the sun

Reducing the amount of melatonin your body produces will help to reset your body clock. Get a nice tan while you're at it!

Chew Gum

Strong minty flavours such as peppermint give the brain a kick, fighting off the afternoon slump! Now that I think about it, brushing my teeth too late might be the reason I feel so awake at night! Whether it be the minty smell, taste, or cool refreshing sensation... Let's take advantage of the sensation. Use it when we really need to be awake!

Drink water.

Admit it. You’re Dehydrated. Even a 1.5% loss of water (bodyweight) can lead to irritability, fatigue and reduce your cognitive abilities. Stay hydrated! Not only can it help us get clear skin, aid our digestion or help us lose weight. It seems like fatigue is a thing of the past!

Eat Breakfast

With incredibly depleted blood sugar levels, you may not feel hungry, but you've gotta eat. Eat a protein-rich meal, even if you're not hungry. Unless you want that afternoon crash. I'm not telling you what to do!


The last tip I have for you all is to get enough sleep the night before. You can't be getting three or four hours of sleep the night before a long day of work, and come complaining to me about being tired. I mean, what did you expect? Get some sleep! Everbody could do with a couple more hours a night.

Bring back the siesta!


The Balance
Sleep.org: Reasons for afternoon slump
Sleep.org: Sustain your energy levels
Elite Daily

Images sourced from Pixabay

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