Shilajit benifit


Shilajit or Asphaltum is being used for medicines for physical and mental strength in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. In Ayurveda it is named as "Nector of God".

Shilajit emits from the stone rocks, hence it is called Shilajit. In the month of summer, the bright rays of the sun melt like a lava from the sacred stones, it comes out which is later collected. This is most commonly found in the Himalayan region. Shilajit's scientific name is Asphaltum and it is also called Mineral Pitch and Vegetable Asphalt in English.

Types of Shilajit

There are four types of Shilajit - silver, gold, iron and copper. The properties and benefits of all types of Shilajit are different.

  • Silver Shilajit eliminates the disorders of gall and cough.

  • Golden spinach is effective for vata and pitta-infected diseases.

  • Iron and copper is effective medicine for the treatment of acne cough.

  • Usually used in the form of medicines for the treatment of acute physical impairment, sexual debility, obesity, diabetes, respiratory diseases, epilepsy, hemorrhoids and cats.

  • Shilajit is also called Indian Viagra. By taking this physical weakness goes away, it is the most effective medicine to increase sexual power.

The composition of Shilajit present in Shilajit

There is a considerable amount of fulvic acid found in it. Due to this acid, all nutrients dissolve in it. Apart from this, many vitamins, minerals and trace minerales are found in physiologically in Shilajit and there is also a great amount of anti-oxidant properties.

If you talk about chemical compound, then there are many chemical components in it that are beneficial for our health in many ways. Many other important chemical compounds, including Eldagic Acid, Triterpenes, Sterols, Aromatic Carboxylic Acid, Amino Acid, Polysaccharides, Lipids, Lignins, etc. It should never be used as a raw stone. It is first modified and its powder and capsules are made.


Medicinal Benefits of Shilajit

Shilajit for Anti-Aging

The use of shilajit reduces the aging process. If you are old or fatigued before time, then eat shilajit. It contains more than 85 per cent of minerales which disturb the disease and strengthen the immune system. It strengthens bones by making calcium in the bones.

Shilajit for Sex Desire Stimulation

Shilajit is called Indian Viagra. Early ejaculation and orgasm, it works to increase sexual gratification in people who are not happy.

Over the centuries, Shilajit is being used as a sexual healing remedy in Ayurveda. It increases the number of semen in men and also controls sex hormones.

Stress and mental exhaustion (Shilajit for Tension and Mental Tiredness)

Nervous system works properly with the consumption of Shilajit. Shilajit should be consumed to combat mental exhaustion, depression, stress and anxiety. It also increases memory power, seems to be doing any work. With the help of one teaspoon butter, daily consumption of Shilajit is beneficial for brain power.

Shilajit for Heart Health

Shilajit is also good for heart health. Along with the heart, it also regulates blood pressure.

Shilajit for Digestive System

Shilajit also strengthens the digestive system of the body. Diseases such as indigestion, gas, constipation and stomachache are eliminated due to its consumption.
Kidneys and Endocrine Glands for Shilajit

Kidneys, pancreatias and thyroid glands also work properly with the intake of shilajit. It is also good for blood circulation.

Shilajit for Diabetes

Diabetes is also in control with its intake. It regulates the level of sugar in the blood and acts to remove harmful toxins from the body.

There are also many medicinal benefits (Shilajit for Common Health Problems)

  • Strengthens disease resistant capacity

  • In respiratory diseases

  • To eliminate cough

  • In the pain of arthritis and joints

  • Reducing swelling

  • To make the heart healthy

  • In urination and kidney disease

  • In the treatment of anemia

  • Reducing ulcers

  • Alzheimer's

  • jaundice


Precautions and Side Effects of Shilajit

According to the physicians, the consumption of Shilajit should be done between twelve and two ratios. Determination of the quantity should be done by keeping the physical condition of the patient in mind, its age and its digestive power.

  • Shilajit should be consumed with milk and honey before sunrise in the morning. It is precisely after digestion that means eating after only three to four hours.

  • Those who suffer from severe arthritis should avoid shilajjeet intake. Such patients are at risk of increasing uric acid amounts of blood in the blood through intake of shilajit.

  • Pregnant and lactating women should also avoid using it.

  • Eating occasionally, allergies, heart beat and vomiting are also consumed.


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