Decentralization of religion leads to shamanism BYOS – Be your own shaman

I was invited to attend Libertopia Festival 2018 and I was honored to speak about Entheogens and Liberty. This is the presentation I gave and I hope you find it valuable.

We all go through stages of life when it's just too much. When we just need to go through the motions and nothing more. When it's uncomfortable and dark. I am here talking to you to let you know it's okay. You are okay, you are being seen. Just remember who you are, you have to KNOW that it’s a process and it is only temporary. You just need a little healing.

BYOS is a concept that empowers you, that keeps your power in you. You are not delegating it for someone else to come save you. It’s a difficult concept and we have been told the opposite is true so we look elsewhere for stuff that is inside of us. Hungry ghosts… tiny mouths big bellies. We will never be full. Look within.

Shamanism is not an otherworldly concept. Its something really tangible and with physical outcomes. It is taking what you learn from spirit and using it in your life. There are many patterns in play in the world. some people are living under these patterns unconsciously and they are continuing the ripple effects of either pain and hurt, or love and creation. There are many in-betweens of course. But the real game changer is when you become aware of the patterns. You are not playing on autopilot. You learn to recognize what behaviors are causing harm and which ones are helping. Once you learn this, then you become an agent of change, conscious change.

At this point, you can see the effect your interactions with others and you.

Luis Fernando Mises at Libertopia 2018

You will end most of your suffering.

There is a universal will taking place and when you are not stepping into your own self you find a lot of blockages. When these blockages happen you have to realize you are not stepping into your highest purpose.

You will never be perfect. That’s not the point. Its not even possible.
In this game, that word is only a concept to distract us.

Paradox: everything is perfect.

Karma, clear that shit out. As you move through life you’ll hurt people, try to become aware of your actions so you do not repeat them if they hurt others but also get an accountability partner and let them help you see. Wife works that role for me. We help each other in that regard. It's never meant to be for one person to be on top of things. That is unnatural and it corrupts. Clear stuff out as you do them so you don’t have to come back with debt.

In life we all are going to experience a form of hurt. For whatever reason. And we have choices. We can choose to relive that experience with everyone that we come in contact with or we can try to heal it and move on and try to help other people wake up.

All the dysfunctional behaviors come from a desire to fulfill love. and we do this in a dysfunctional way because we don’t know better and we are in deficit. When you see people doing this, do not run and scream how badly they are. That only makes the dysfunction stronger. We need more empathy, love, and connection…

This doesn’t mean we can never defend ourselves. There’s always someone “smart” (not really smart) trying to throw in wrenches. It is a situational thing but most times you do not need to shoot people.

Ceremony is actually the easy part. It will be tough and confront you with all the yucky behaviors/patterns you have not in a punitive way but in a way to remind you that you need to clean them/you.

You will heal… but only temporarily if you go back to life and do the same stuff you have always done. The real challenge is the change of behaviors and thought processes. That’s where the work is.

People heal and do not notice it. they go back and do shit that hurts them and come back to me and say, Luis you are a crook. This does not work. But that is a couple of things. One is definitely the desire to hide from yourself. To see the real unconscious behaviors that you and nobody else has responsibility for.

The plant medicine will help you realign yourself, it is a gift from our brothers and sisters in higher levels of awareness. They have been here for a long time and will continue to be here for your benefit, for our benefit.

These plants will not necessarily change YOU, they will only present you with who you really are. Sometimes we do not like that and we try to hide in

Thoughts. We all have them. Cannot be without them. It is all about how we dance with them. Thoughts are entities too and they want to be seen and acknowledged. Often times we have what people consider bad thoughts and they feel bad for having them. Don’t! what are you doing with them? Just say, hi, I see you. Thank you for coming. And choose to focus on a different one. If you do not do this, they will try to come back and be seen in stronger/more dysfunctional ways. This is also how life works. Stuff will come at you. Deal with it then.

The free market is a wonderful place.

I work as a consultant and you hear a lot of feel-good theories and philosophies saying you should always put others first. That’s not necessarily a bad idea. In fact, true happiness comes indirectly as you focus on serving others. But the challenge is, when servant-leaders pour so much of their heart and they get nothing back because its not an expectation, they feel unappreciated, unloved, and they just suffer through life thinking that they just give so much and nobody else cares. It is an interesting cycle I see in people.

Decentralization of religion leads to shamanism BYOS – Be your own shaman

The beauty of the market says, I will help you with all I have, but I need compensation too. It is a form of self-love as well, to respect your time, energy, and skills enough to have a clear and loving expectation of something in return.

The price system works wonderfully in this regard. It rewards people who work and put themselves out there in the service of others and they don’t have to just hope and pray people appreciate their work and give them… it is a self-regulating system that takes care of everyone.

Money is a godly concept. And most people do not like it because they sense in one level that it has been hijacked by some dirty entity that wants to keep us trapped. Trading with what they allow us. That’s where crypto comes to save the day! Money is a life force, a life line and we need to keep it decentralized and away from coercion.

As you get wealthier and have all your needs met, you can indeed move to a point where you can give stuff for free and/or based on the situation or person in need.

Thank you for reading, I would love to hear your thoughts! Let me know in the comments below!

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