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Ladies generally cringe when they hear the term 'Hair loss' This is because it usually conjures an unappealing image of a bald and ugly look. It is however disheartening that some ladies experience hair loss in their prime. This is understandable because most ladies care about their appearance and their hairstyles make up a large percent of their overall beauty.

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Medical expert have termed this condition 'Traction Alopecia' (Hair loss).
There are many factors that lead to hair loss, this ranges from stress to hormonal imbalances but the leading cause of hair loss is none other than our cherished hair extensions.
Tight braiding, ponytails. Buns, wigs, dreadlocks, etc can lead to serious loss of hair at the hairline and most times when we take off these extensions, our hair at the hair line goes right along with it. Leaving extensions for too long simple because we do not have the money to make another, causes serious hair loss. Installing tight extensions regularly means embracing a receeding hairline.
Tight hair bands also result in hair loss. This is because it grips the hairline viciously causing it to rip off when taking off the hair band. Heat and chemicals weaken the hair. Too much shampooing , styling, and dyeing can weaken your tresses. Often, hair treatments like keratin, coloring, and blow drying damages the hair.

How can we maintain our hairstyle without losing our hair? = Ladies, do well to let your stylist know that they go easy on the braiding, especially at the hairline.
=Your hairline should be well oiled before relaxer is applied.

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For ladies who dye their hair, do not dye your hair more than one or two shades its normal color: the more severe the color change, the more chemicals you require which can make the hair break.

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Avoid using appliances that overheat your hair. Your hairdryer should be on cool and low settings and minimize the use of flat irons. = when using hair bands of wigs, take it off after some time to let your hair breathe and massage the hairline gently with castor oil.

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Also, from time to time, give synthetic hairs a break and go natural.

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The condition of our hair doesn't just affect our looks its an important indicator of our health.

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