7 Day One-Color Challenge - Day One - Brick Red

All of this has happened before, and all of this will happen again. - Battlestar Galactica

It occurs to me that lately, I have been overdosing on words (or perhaps, purging myself of them? 🤔) Whichever the case, a sharp pivot from the textual to the visual to reset the brain seemed appropriate -- and since this is the first day of a new month, seemed like a time for fresh starts.

Hence, in a blatant (and possibly delusional) ripoff homage to @johleen's amazingly successful (and still ongoing!!!!) #sevendaybnwchallenge, here I am with my very own sevenday1colorchallenge. Long may it ... hahahahaah, never mind. Play on!

don't worry dear words, i will never abandon you, i just need to cheat for a while ...


taken with my trusty LG V20

The Rules:

  • Take 7 photos that represent an aspect of your life (or whatever you happened to find interesting today. Either one)
  • Present one image every day for seven days
  • each photo should have one color dominating it (no, you don't need to zoom in on a car door. Background is allowed. Use your imagination. Blur it or whatever, if you like)
  • any colour you want per day (you don't have to follow mine although that's fine too)
  • different dominant colour each day (do mention the color in your title though if possibl)
  • No humans (body parts are permissible in case you have an awesome tattoo or scar you wanna show off though)
  • No explanations (picture that cannot speak for itself, iz dat one picture? 😁)
  • Nominate someone every day. Although anyone can join in
    Use the tag: #sevenday1colorchallenge as one of your five tags

Aight, go for it. I nominate ... @greenrun since it's been a while I heard from him (and no, Twitter doesn't count 😁)

Oh, almost forgot. For those who choose to participate, a 6SBD prize will be awarded to the person who gets the most non-bot upvotes on their post by the time I post my own Day 7 Pic. If there end up being too many of you (or you turn out to be a whale who already has a massive following) ... well then, participation will just have to be its own reward haha.

you know what to do👇

Steemit Animated Thingy - U5dtAVjBETmqw1AAbnbU32TA7BXiwUk.gif


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