Hey everyone, it’s your favourite trainer.
Boot camps are an excellent way to give my body a rest because it’s all about encouraging the crew. Thanks to the challenge, I got to sample the circuit myself when everything was said and done.

It’s important for me to recover, especially since I commute massively by bike and, now that the classes are easing up, I would like to address an old injury. I feel the urge emphasize how wholistic it is to take care of one’s body, to stretch, drink lots of water and eat healthy foods.

I am so grateful that my participants from Kitsilano wanted to be a part of the outstanding 777 challenge!

Want to join the SEVEN77 family with me and the legendary @NathanMars? Ain't nothing more simple!

Sent out a tweet including a video of you doing 7 push-ups or any other action and include one reason why you think Steem is awesome. Also include what day you are at in the challenge.

For example: include day 28/77 in your tweet.

If you are ambitious like me, put 777 behind the dash!
This will mean that you are up to a 777 day challenge!

The days do not need to be back to back.

Finally, include @NathanMars7 in your tweet because without our fearless leader, none of this would be possible!

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